Reviews For This World of Glass
Author's Response: Yes, oregano! Totally. A friend of mine managed to sell a whole bag of oregano to someone claiming it was pot. Seriously. Thanks for the review.
I hated school. I mean why pick on someone with naturally curly hair - me - then pay an arm and a leg to get a smelly, frizzy perm? kids... --his Author's Response: Yeah. Poor Draco. Pick on someone with curly hair, then get a perm? Seriously? Gosh that just sucks. People can be so dumb. I got the same sort of thing in school, but for different reasons, and wow, did it suck. Thanks so much for the review!
--his Author's Response: Yeah, sorry. This one got dark. I don't really know why, but this story just took hold, and it sort of just had to be this way. But I loved writing it. Thanks so much for the review. I hope you like it anyway!
I just really, really love this version of these characters. Harry and Draco with all their brotherliness and mischief just made me so very happy. Severus' growth throughout all of this was also brilliant to read. I've just grown so attached and invested in this little family you have portrayed but now I've reached the end and I have very mixed feelings about that. I'm going to miss them! I am especially fond of the way you executed Dumbledore's passing and the final moment he had with Severus. Beautifully done. So, much as I'm sad to see the end of this tale and series, I am very satisfied with it all. Would I have liked more? But of course! However, it is in no way lacking or incomplete - you should be very proud of this series! Author's Response: Hey Dream! Wow, I am so, so glad you liked TWOG, and the series. I absolutely loved writing this story, and though it wasn't as heavily reviewed as many of my other works, I am so proud of how this one turned out. I too became very attached to this version of the characters - I even know exactly what has happened to them all after this, haha, but I do not think I will write any further stories. I've said that before, though, so who knows, haha! It is lovely to hear that you would love more though!! I am very pleased you were happy with Dumbledore's passing and felt the trilogy was complete. These kinds of detailed reviews are the icing on top of the satisfaction of completing a story, so thanks again for reviewing! Cheers, Whitetail
Author's Response: It is tempting! What happens to Laura and Sev? Well, they got married - it's quite the story how Severus proposed ... actually. Tempting ... tempting to post something like that ... They ended up with some lovely grandchildren from Harry and Ginny, as well as a set from Draco and Hermione. Before the grandchildren arived they had one daughter together. That's the basic info I decided a looonnng time ago. Another story would be lovely to do, though, but I don't know if I ever will. Thanks so much for reading, Jessica! I am very glad you enjoyed it.
Author's Response: Thank you for the review!
Author's Response: Yeah, sad indeed. True, true, I am evil.
But you also made me smile and laugh at so many parts and, even though I usually don't like first person narrators, I enjoyed this story sooooo much! and Severus' animagi form was just too sweet ^^ Author's Response: Hi Kyoko! Thank you so much for reviewing! I absolutely love it when people review past stories of mine! This one will always be very dear to my heart, so it is especially wonderful for me to hear what you think about it! It is also great to know you enjoyed it despite the first person narration - which means I've done my job! Thanks again for reviewing!
Author's Response: Oh dear me. I suppose you'll have to talk to Molly about that ... thanks for reviewing!
through them. So far I enjoy the story - except the long paragrahs! Author's Response: Hi! Unfortunately, I have to tell you that there are a few more long paragraphs in this story, but they are that way for a reason. Some thoughts require a few more sentences to complete. I've tried my best to break them up, but not all of them are going to be that way, just because of the nature of some ideas. If it's the spacing that bothers you (I know the lines seem pretty close together sometimes, especially after reading a long time) you could copy and paste the chapters into Microsoft Word and change the spacing to double spaced, so it's easier on the eyes. Thanks for reviewing. Glad you are enjoying the story. |
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