Reviews For This World of Glass
Author's Response: Oh gosh, that would be funny. I bet Sirius would light on fire on the spot when he found out just who he had so kindly carried back to the Burrow! I am so glad you enjoyed the trilogy! I had a blast writing it, and I am nothing but delighted at the knowledge that it has been enjoyed, especiallly considering I only ever meant to write the first story in this series! I am glad I continued, and that is very much in part because of the wonderful people who have reviewed and encouraged me. Even now it makes my day to see a comment left on something I have finished! It keeps me motivated to work on other projects. Thanks so much for your comments shadow!
Author's Response: Yeah, that is a little funny! I am glad you enjoyed it! I really, really had fun writing this part. Like, way too much fun. Thanks for sharing, and I am glad you too grinned like an idiot during this chapter!
Author's Response: Haha, yeah, I suppose. Although, I think he was probably thinking in the arms, shoulders, and across the chest. The rest of the robes would be looser. Besides, dress robes probably wouldn't flair too much because they might get caught on others! I am glad you are enjoying it! It is fun to hear your reactions.
Author's Response: Haha, yeah, anything Fred and George cook up has to be pretty potent. Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Ha indeed! Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Glad you are liking it shadow! It is wonderful to know you like the point of view of the fox. Your review totally lifted me out of the midterm blues, so thanks so very much for the feedback!
Author's Response: Well ... that's how I meant the chapter to be! :) Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Well, I suppose he could. However, the only sample of de-aging potion (conveniently) was shattered in A Summer's Misadventures. Seeing as the potion was created by accident, it would be very dangerous to try it again. Definitely a really cool idea though, shadow. I suppose I should have mentioned that the only de-aging potion sample was the one that smashed last story! I just assumed people thought it was. Go ahead and use that idea though, because it couldn't really have worked here. I' d love to read it!
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the review Shadowienne! I had fun writing this scene so much too! Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing in the response to your last review, on why it would be tricky for Severus to de-age himself. The type of potion in this story, while it has been destroyed, would have reverted his memory to whatever age he was at. Therefore, if he were to de-age himself, it could only be a little while so that he would still have had the change of heart about Harry, because even if you used his memories in a pensive it probably would not have affected him as greatly as it did when he was truly there. This thought came to me just as I clicked submit on that last response, haha. Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback!
Thank you. Author's Response: I didn't mention it because I felt it wasn't important, given that they survived and that was 'all that mattered' But, in my mind it turned out a lot like the battle in DH. They destroyed all the horcruxes (Draco helping instead of hindering, and they ended up at Malfoy Manor anyway with Bellatrix there instead), Harry didn't know until the last moment that he had to die, like before, only instead of being given Snape's memories (because Severus obviously survives this time) Severus found Harry during the battle and gave him a phial of Dumbledore's memories that had been entrusted to him, which told the story of how Dumbledore figured it all out etc, and that Harry had to die. Then everything went as it did in the book. Then, Severus and Laura got married and lived happily every after. Hope that helped CarlinPaddy, and thank you for the review! |
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