Reviews For This World of Glass
As for Weasley's Wort, it sounds like a truly magical plant... let's hope it *is* the cure, although Severus does not dare get his hopes up (great characterization there). Now, of course, I'm very curious how the ball will turn out... Author's Response: I had a fair bit of fun inficting Molly on Severus. I can just see her wanting to cut his hair, what with how she was fussing over Bill's long hair in the books. I'm relieved that you liked how I portrayed Severus and his fear to hope. I agonized about making it all come out right. Thanks a lot for the review Sita, and you'll see how the ball turns out next chapter!
Author's Response: It's nice to hear that you're excited for the ball! Money for the Weasleys would be lovely, wouldn't it? Thanks for the feedback!
How funny that he took a haircut, and got his robes a different color - bet Albus will get a kick out of it. And I could just imagine the looks of the older girls in Hogwarts too, when they see the handsome professor! :) Hugs and Love, Vanime Author's Response: Glad you liked it Vanime, and thanks so much for the feedback!
Author's Response: One of my peaves when it comes to fanfiction is when characters are made so perfect it hurts, so I'm glad you appreciate Severus' flaws too! Thanks a lot for the review.
Wouldn't it be great if Weasley's Wort turned out to be a cure? Maybe there's some potion Severus can use it for... I really liked the explanation with Fred and George's cauldron - it would be just like them to be mixing potent and potentially dangerous potions behind the broom shed ;)! Looking forward to more, as always! Author's Response: Thanks a lot for the feedback! I'm happy that you liked the explanation of how the wort originated. I thought it fit well considering what the twins usually get up to.
It was a happy christmas for the boys and everyone else. Author's Response: Ah, well, things could go either way at this point. Thanks for the feedback!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Minerva really should have noticed something strange about Ash, but maybe she was preoccupied with worrying about Severus. I wonder who will realise first, assuming he can't transform back without help. Author's Response: Yes, Minerva was very preoccupied. Thanks for reviewing rosina!
Author's Response: Glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for the review!
Minerva!!! - I'm sure when he's back to being human, Severus will never let her forget that she didn't recognize him. How frustrating it must be to be right there, but unable to talk. Hm, maybe he could try to write something (with his paws on the floor)? I also liked that Severus doesn't enjoy all aspects of being a fox, like doing his business outside and being treated like a pet. That seems very realistic and in character for him. Another great chapter, thank you for the regular updates we're getting! Author's Response: Oh Chicken Run ... I quite like that comparison! I'm glad you thought he's stayed in character as a fox. I think he would find a lot of it infuriating too. Thanks for the review Sita, and you're quite welcome for the regular updates! I've had the whole story finished for ages, so that's why the updates are coming so consistently. |
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