Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: The Traitor's Lament 11 Mar 2012 4:12 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter again. You wrote the range of Sevreus' emotions so well - helplessness/hopelessness/anger.... I liked how you brought in some more of the other characters too.
    I'm just glad that Severus was stopped from going straight to Voldemort - that would surely have been an immediate disaster for both him and Draco.

    Author's Response: Thanks rosina for the feedback! I'm happy that you enjoyed it, and thought Severus' emotions were well done. I quite agree that it would have been bad if he just went rushing off. Cheers!
Title: The Traitor's Lament 10 Mar 2012 11:06 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    i sure hope draco's alive. even though this is depressing, it was still well written

    Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback! :)
Title: The Traitor's Lament 10 Mar 2012 9:14 am
Reviewer: Sita Z (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter, Whitetail! I loved Severus' argument with the Order, and the underlying resentment on both sides. They still don't quite trust him, and Severus senses this and reacts accordingly.

    The second part with Harry was depressing, yes, but very well-written! Their reactions were perfectly believable, even though it's sad to see how little hope Severus has left. He seems to have decided that turning himself in is the only option.

    Now, don't leave us hanging for too long :)!

    Author's Response: I am quite relieved to know that you thought the reactions were believable, as I spent a great deal of time on them and tried not to make them too overblown or too mild for the situation. Glad you liked it Sita, and don't worry, I won't leave you guys hanging too long. Thanks so much for taking the time to write a review!
Title: He Is Waiting 04 Mar 2012 9:31 am
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    *aims wand threateningly* you had better update soon, author! or else!

    lol.yeah, this chapter made me want to cry. ya happy now? hmmm?

    i'll be waiting for the update. :D

    Author's Response: *Ducks and crosses fingers* Well, that update will be coming fairly soon. I generally don't wait longer than five days, so keep that wand in your cloak! ;) Thanks for the review!
Title: He Is Waiting 03 Mar 2012 3:24 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    I had to laugh at Harry's reaction to Draco getting soaked, but I didn't see the second part of the chapter coming. I couldn't stop reading even though things were definitely not heading anywhere I wanted them to. Now I REALLY want to read the next installment, so I think you did an excellent, if evil, job.

    Author's Response: I kind of intended it to be shocking, and so I am glad that it came across that way. I'm happy to hear you were hooked despite the unfortunate turn of events. The next chapter should be up within the next four or five days, and thank you for the review rosina!
Title: He Is Waiting 03 Mar 2012 2:42 pm
Reviewer: Vanime (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmpphhh! Meanie author! Good chapter....though, much as I hate to admit it.

    They just don't get a break do they?? Poor Sev, Draco and Harry - there's no easy way for this to end is there?

    Hugs and Love,

    Author's Response: Thanks for the feedback Vanime! Glad you liked the  chapter, even if I am a bit of a "Meanie".
Title: He Is Waiting 03 Mar 2012 7:28 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, yes, unspeakable rage just about describes it.

    Grrr, ahhh, where is the author - bring on the pitchforks.

    Author's Response: Goodness, as if I would tell you my location! Not with the threat of pitchforks! Anyway thanks a so much for the feedback granavarre. :)
Title: He Is Waiting 03 Mar 2012 5:14 am
Reviewer: Sita Z (Signed) [Report This]
    I don't hate you, of course not :) - but, what a twist! I never expected something like this to happen. The first part of the chapter was so quiet, and then suddenly all hell breaks loose. Very well done!
    Poor Draco, though... what with Sev's illness and the Slytherins, he's had enough to deal with already. Well, I think I know what'll happen next (and you foreshadowed that very nicely in Sev's conversation with Molly!)
    Now, don't leave us hanging too long :)!

    Author's Response: Hmm ... well I suppose you will see if you are right about your theory soon. :) I'm quite happy you found the contrast between the relaxing beginning of the chapter and then the, as you said it, the ending of all hell breaking loose. Thanks so much for the review Sita!
Title: Winter Sun 27 Feb 2012 3:42 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    There's never a wrong time for a good Christmas chapter! It was nice that Severus managed to include Harry's father on the ornament, and that he had one memory of being part of a happy family as a child, even if Tobias' later behaviour was unforgiveable. I really like Draco here too.

    Author's Response: Hey rosina, thanks for the feedback! I'm pleased you liked Draco in this chapter, as I had a bit of fun writing him. ;)
Title: Winter Sun 26 Feb 2012 8:17 pm
Reviewer: Vanime (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved this chapter - but then I've loved every one of them in this story! You've given me the gamut of emotions with the characters and the storyline, I feel as if I've just ridden a roller coaster! :P

    But I do have to wonder about how you wrote -
    >That and travelling by fireplace floo these days made me feel like I had the stomach flu< I thought it telling that you had italized the word stomach. Are you saying that the healer had the wrong diagnosis??? I really hope so...

    Hugs and Love,

    Author's Response: Glad you liked the chapter Vanime. I just italicized 'stomach' to create emphasis to point out the play on words with floo (as in travelling by floo powder) and flu ( as in the illness), seeing as floo and flu sound exactly the same when spoken. Severus feels ill from travelling by floo powder because he has been dizzy from the lack of oxygen his lungs have been able to absorb (a side effect of a lung disease such as Lethifold Syndrome). Therefore, he feels dizzy before he even steps into the floo network. The floo network makes people dizzy as well, so him being dizzy already makes him feel even more naseous . So no, the Healers did not get the wrong diagnosis. Severus still has Lethifold Syndrome, and I was not hinting that they have misdiagnosed him. It was meant to be a joke. Hope that answers your question. :)

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