Reviews For Baby in a Box
Author's Response: Thank you! I don't think Snape and Petunia met again, since she moved abroad with her family... lucky her! But I like to think that, from time to time, she remembers Harry and feels slightly guilty about what she has done. My guess would be that Harry was sorted into Ravenclaw and did very well in Potions, having lived with a Potions Master for ten years... I suppose Slughorn would be teaching Potions and would take an immediate liking to him because of Lily. I'm glad you liked the story, and I hope you had a very happy Christmas!
Author's Response: Thank you! Christmas and Harry seem to have mellowed Snape out a little ;)... I hope you had a very happy holiday!
Author's Response: Thank you very much, and I hope you had a happy Christmas, too (all those lovely reviews were a wonderful present)!
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I hope you had a very happy Christmas!
Albus is being Albus, nothing unexpected there. I like that Lupin is part of Harry's life and getting along with Severus. Great story, I hope to see more of your work. Author's Response: Thank you very much! Yes, Petunia had better stay out of Snape's way, because he won't ever forgive or forget what she did to his adoptive son. I'm very fond of Lupin as a character, and I'm glad you liked his part in the story - Severus simply needs to get over his prejudices, then he'd see that Lupin could be a great friend to him. Thank you for reviewing!
Your Albus is as manipulative and idiotic as the one in the book. When I read that line where he says "Poor Petunia!" I wanted to spit! What a self-centered bitch, to do what she did and HE feels sorry for her?? What an idiot! Snape was right, she should be made to suffer for what she did to her own flesh and blood. Sadly, there really are people like her in the world, and abandoned babies who end up much like the Harry in your story. I'm so glad Sev rescued him and gave him the love of a family and a home and Harry gave him these things in return. I'd like to see another small story in this universe when and if you have time. Maybe one where Petunia and her family get hers. Or whatever. Wishing you a merry Christmas, if you celebrate it and a happy New Year! Author's Response: I'm very sorry to hear about your sister's puppy! Yes, Albus has a rather different outlook on things... sometimes very forgiving (perhaps overly so), and sometimes very harsh (I'm thinking of baby Voldemort in afterlife King's Cross...). Snape would definitely not share his views on Petunia, not after she had hurt his adoptive son. I might do another story in this universe - it's very tempting to share some glimpses at Snape's parenting adventures! Thank you very much for reviewing, and happy holidays to you, too! |
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