Reviews For Baby in a Box
I loved the ending, not too sentimental but still very sweet. You did a wonderful job! Author's Response: I'm glad you liked the ending, even though Sev doesn't usually do sweet, lol! I hope you had a very happy holiday, thank you for reviewing!
Happy Holidays Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! Happy Holidays to you, too :)!
Author's Response: Thank you! Yes, Severus wouldn't forget about that kind of thing...
Author's Response: I know what you mean; I was thinking about adding a few more chapters about Harry settling in, but then I decided to keep it short-ish, and not turn it into a longer tale. I may do some one-shots in this universe, though! I'm glad you enjoyed the comparisons - thank you very much, and thank you for taking the time to review!
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed Part 2! Thank you for reviewing!
Author's Response: Thank you very much! One-shots in this universe sound tempting... I'll look into that! Merry Christmas to you, too!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful tale with us. I really enjoyed it. Author's Response: Thank you very much for reviewing! Yes, Petunia had better make sure she never comes across Snape again in her life...
Author's Response: Thank you :)!
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I think the fact that he's not constantly observed by hundreds of students allowed Snape to be more relaxed and drop the "evil bat" persona once in a while... and of course Harry helped a lot, simply by being himself! Actually, I was tempted to include floating Harry in an extra scene... I could just see him all eager to help and creating chaos in the process! Thank you very much for reviewing!
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