Title: Doesn't Sound Like War
| 01 Dec 2016 5:04 pm
Reviewer: HPSSFan (Signed)
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This was such a great story. The final flashback made me tear up a bit because I know how much music makes me feel safe. Such an amazing story.
Oh. My Gosh. I guess this story is your revenge. I make you cry, you make me cry. Well done
Author's Response: Haha thank you! Sorry about making you cry though but I guess we're even now :D
Awwww! That was sweet and sad!
Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!
Very interesting!
Author's Response: Thank you! So happy you enjoyed it:)
Title: Doesn't Sound Like War
| 01 Feb 2012 1:55 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed)
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That is so beautiful!!!
I love chocolate too, so here are as many chocolate frogs that I can give you.
Very well written and just heart-breaking but it touches your soul too in a joyous way.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'll give you even more chocolate frogs for the lovely review! I saw what you wrote on Shout and I'm sorry for almost making you cry but I'm glad I got the emotion across. Thanks again for reviewing!
beautiful story!
Author's Response: Thank you!
Fantastic first story, Con Moto! I really liked the back-and-forth from present to past and back again as Harry explores the mystery, and Severus reveals bit by bit how the song came about. It helps prolong the final revelation, and Harry's long-buried memory does the rest. Wonderful sense of emotions throughout! So glad it showed up tonight! :-) Well done!
Author's Response: Thank you!! It took me a while to get everything right so I'm happy the effort seems to have paid off!
Title: Doesn't Sound Like War
| 31 Jan 2012 8:41 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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I enjoyed the time shifts here. It is a very sweet story. I had the song playing while I read it. Beautifully done.
Author's Response: Thanks! I had Lily's Theme playing when I was writing it:)