This was absolutely lovely. Great story!
Title: One Shot
| 30 Nov 2020 12:18 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely little story thank you
I enjoyed this story. :) I'm glad that I found it. :)
amazing job wit htis i loved it
This was lovely!
Being Head of Slytherin, Severus would definitely have to deal with that sort of thing.
The way you portrayed each character was amazing and you did a brilliant job for your first story on this site:)
Awesome. Absolutely loved how Sev handled that and his comment to Harry. REALLY should have let the hat do its job Harry.
This was a great little story. It really shows how understanding and kind Severus can be, and he handled the poor girl brilliantly. I doubt if Dumbledore or McGonagall could have done half so well.
Back in their day, and in my mom's and grandma's, that time of the month was referred to as "the curse" and NOBODY really discussed it, except to tell a girl that when you got it, it made you a woman and it was painful and a nuisence. At that time, they had just started having the sex ed courses in school, but the stupid nurse taught us the reproductive system and failed to mention that there was blood when you got your period. Duh!
My mom told me nothing, I was lucky I had older sisters, one of whom was studying medicine. She told me everything. My poor grirlfriend wasn't so lucky, she got hers before me, her mom was away and she called me up hysterical, thinking she had cancer. I had to tell her over the phone what to do, we were 11, but it all worked out.
I could imagine the pureblood families being old fashioned like that, and leaving the poor kid to suffer through the first time alone. Stupid dolts!
I like how Harry finally realized the truth about Snape and let him know he was supposed to be Sorted into Slytherin. The only thing that surprised me a little was that Harry wasn't more embarrassed at what he saw. My brother grew up with all sisters, and even he would have been embarrassed at that age.
Keep writing!
That was an interesting twist. Certainly, as Head of House, Snape would have to deal with such issues though I have never seen that in a story before. It showed a comforting side of him that I enjoyed.
I always though Snape took his duty as Head of House very seriously, and yes, this is one issue that he'd have to deal with himself from time to time over the years. No point being harsh about it and prolonging the agony for his student and himself. And I've also always believed he had the capacity to be gentle and kind, just it takes the right circumstances for him to show it now; considering all he's had to deal with. Good job - an enjoyable little piece. misundersnape...