This was hysterical! LOL
Hugs and Love, Vanime
Title: Planning Ahead
| 13 May 2012 8:25 pm
Reviewer: Foreverhope (Anonymous)
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I was giggling all the way throught..this was awesome. We can all use a break from the angst.
waaaah hahaha ha *S* lol I loved this!
It's good to know that Harry is planning his future with a former Death Eater at his side. And a white cat. The wizarding world doesn't stand a chance. Definately silly and a blast to read.
Really, really, unbelievably awesome!
Thank you for the laughs. I needed them today.
Omg! That was so cute. LOL
I love Snape and Harry's humour , but in the end, Snape is still Snape.
Love the kitten, and naming it Draco...well that is just too funny! Can you imagine everytime that Harry calls, "Draco", Malfoy things that Harry is calling him! Bahahahahahahaaa!
Author's Response: Thank you!
This was good, but shouldn't Draco have attacked and killed Pettigrew as a rat instead of eating the bones? Harry could have just destroyed the bones. This is going to added to my favorites.