Oooh, I liked that! Your descriptions were very interesting. What a unique story! I really enjoyed the last line. In fact, I enjoyed every word of it. And I don't just say that. Thanks for that lovely piece!
Title: The War
| 22 May 2012 2:43 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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hocking but very good writing especially the ending! thank you
Oh my, what a very chilling lesson from Professor Snape! If only a member of the Order had, had the foresight to teach this to Harry earlier, I feel that there might have been a lower body count when all was said and done.
Very well done, and thanks for sharing this excellent one-shot! =)
Good story. Snape is doing a lot to help Harry grow up and face the facts of his situation. His own description could just as easily been 'honest'.
Title: The War
| 19 May 2012 1:07 am
Reviewer: Bil (Signed)
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Wow. This is a powerful piece of work. And darn it, someone really should have done this to Harry in the books! Snape was very in character, doing what was necessary without being nice about it. The ending is shiver-inducing. Very very well done!
Wow. Just, ok, Oh My Rowling...I am temporarily speechless by the powerful message in this story. Liar. To Harry, everything he knew about Snape was false.
Now i gotta look that up. I was wondering if you had been inspired by the song "This is War." Especially with the words martyer, victims, liar, and messiah.
Great piece!
Wow, that was intense. Snape may see himself as a liar, but I think he was one of the few people who told Harry the truth.
Thank you for sharing!
Whoa! Short and yet so powerful. Too bad Snape didn'treally take the oportunty to do this in the stories. Well done!!
This was awesome! Really enjoyed it, good job!