Reviews For The Almost Half-Finished Jumper
Author's Response: Aw thank you shadow! I wouldn't let Severus rip the jumper! All Lily's hard work for nothing?? Heehee that's why the rational side of his brain kicked in and decided to put it into the box instead! Thanks again for the lovely review :D
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Heehee I'm quite sure the box is moth proof :D
I think the jumper will be forgotten then found one day when Sev is spring cleaning or something like that and bring back bad memoeries but will also get Sev determinded to finish were Lily left off and finish the jumper. Oh I know healer Moore will find a cure and it will save either Sev, Harry or Harry's childs life. I will stay tuned and wait with anticpation. Author's Response: Ooh some of your suggestions are quite accurate ;) I don't want to give too much away, but things are definitely staring to look up for them. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review :) I think things will be looking up for them, but we'll see how they go.
Author's Response: Thanks shadow! I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a parent... How horrible :( But I'm glad you're enjoying my little story!
Author's Response: Oh thank you! Harry and Sev certainly have a rough time ahead of them, but lets see what happens... Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'll try update soon but I've got exams coming up so it may be a while.
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