I hope you can continue this lovely story sometime
Lovely chapter and I love your OC very much thank you
Title: Light at the End of the Tunnel
| 22 Aug 2015 2:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Title: With the Angels
| 22 Aug 2015 2:21 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a very sad chapter
Title: Laughter is the Best Medicine
| 22 Aug 2015 2:15 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you children keep you you strong so believable
Title: Anguish, Resolve and a Promise
| 22 Aug 2015 2:00 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a lovely chapter
Title: The Jumper
| 22 Aug 2015 1:54 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Very good start I loved the knitting parts!
I enjoyed this chapter, not the least of which involved Harry's lighter spirits (at least temporarily), possibly as a result of his visitation from Lily? Also liked the fact that Severus now feels less helpless in knowing he's not going to have to struggle alone to find a cure. It'll be interesting to see how Vivian develops as a character. And isn't it SO like Molly to offer to finish knitting the jumper! Great chapter! Keep it up, Con! :-)
Author's Response: Thanks shadow :) Yes i do believe Harry's spirits have been bolstered for the time being. I think our little Harry as a special affinity with his mother :) But of course, it can't be easy losing a parent, especially that young. I have an idea forming for Vivian, but we'll see how it goes from here. Hehe yes I did think that was something Molly would say :D thanks for reviewing, I always like hearing what you have to say :)
Yay, I'm glad to read this story again! I can't wait to read more, and yes, looking forward to more Harry/Severus interaction. As young as Harry is, I'm sure he hasn't gotten over his mother's death by any means. Please update again soon!
Author's Response: Thank you for the lovely comments :) You are correct, Harry does have a difficult time ahead of him... Let's see how that unfolds shall we? I'll try and update as soon as I can, I was hoping to get a chance to write it during the weekend. Fingers crossed! Thanks again for reviewing!
Nice to see you continuing this story. I can't believe its been a whole year as the plot was still fresh in my mind without rereading. Hmm, I wonder where Vivian fits into your plans, and who will finish the jumper, but it was good to see Severus with thoughts of the future.
Author's Response: Thank you for the review :) I'm glad to hear that my story made enough of an impact for it to remain in your memory for so long. As for Vivian, I wanted to make a character who could identify with Severus as they have both lost someone they care deeply about due to the mystery disease. That's all I will reveal for now haha :) things will be starting to look up for Harry and Severus but let's see what the future holds.