Beautiful story. Please continue writing it. I would like to know how it ends. I think it would be very difficult for Harry and Snape to get along, but with patience and love from Lily I believe they can do it. Please bring us more of this incredible story. You are a great writer. My regards
Title: Chapter 1
| 16 Feb 2014 10:08 am
Reviewer: AngelWitch (Anonymous)
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This is your first fanfic ever? Wow, I'm impressed...
Wow Thank you Thank you! I love having lily come back and being there for Harry.
Uh oh. Things didn't start out too well but hopefully this is a turning point for Harry and Snape. Please update again soon!
Title: Chapter 6
| 05 Jan 2013 2:52 am
Reviewer: Kaelisea (Anonymous)
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Snape needs to chill. Right now I feel like yelling. "Lily, what did you see in him. He hates his own son. How can you love a man that hates his own child?" The yell at Severus "Be a man grow up. Blah Blah Blah."
I do hope Snape stops calling Harry, 'Potter' all the time. That's no way for a relationship to form.
Can't really be surprised that Harry ran. His reasons have definite logic to them, as no one has given him much cause to trust, or time to adjust yet. Looking forward to the next installment.
Aw poor Harry. He did overreact, but it was understandable. Now we have to see if Severus can be understandable.... And be a father to Harry. I look forward to your next chapter.
Oops, forgot to say it was a great chapter too! Sorry, got caught up in the moment and emotion!
Author's Response: Thanks! I can see that. LOL