Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Second chances
Title: Chapter 2 29 Jul 2012 1:29 am
Reviewer: Latin Reader (Signed) [Report This]
    First of all, I really like your idea for the story, and hope you continue it.
    However, what kind of mother is Lily? She goes eat doughnuts while her son starves. She goes and buys a whole wardrobe while her son is wearing rags. The whole world knows she's alive while her son yearns and dreams about even having a hug from her!!!

    I'm sorry, but Lily made me get furious. I can't help but think that ANY mother would have demanded to have her son back with her first thing! She wouldn't even had waited for the night to go through! Yeah, she has a very warm, cozy bed while her son sleeps in a piece of cotton that used to be a mattress and maybe is cold since he has some clothes that used to be a quilt.
    She is happily enjoying a week or two while someone is using her child as a servant and punching bag while she is annoyed that some people stare at her for just strolling down the street.

    As I said before, I really like your story and idea. But if I could, I would've slapped Lily red n' blue. Shows how much she missed her child!

    And I can't help but think, what will Harry feel when he goes back to school and find out that EVERYONE but him knew his mother was alive (the only thing I bet he had always wanted) while he was away and she didn't even went to say, "Hi!"

    I'm just saying, man, any woman- not only a mother- heck, any HUMAN that knows a child is treated as badly as you described would do ANYTHING to move that child out of the situation, and if they could do it, and being the BIOLOGICAL mother they deffinately CAN, would do so RIGHT AWAY!!! What the H*LL is Dumbledore waiting for???!!!! And why the H*LL is Lily accepting it?!?!

    In my point of view, Harry would have more to forgive his mother than Snape. At least HE was there when needed during the school year, and when he could.

    As I said, I hope you keep writing, becuase I really want to keep reading. But c'mon, make Lily have some brains and do something for her child except sit and weep.

    Again, you have a wonderful way of writing and describing scenes. I hope chap 3 will be here soon.

    Sorry if I was so harsh, but Lily is annoying me A LOT!

    I'm just saying...

    Author's Response: Hmm. you're right.I see your what you're saying. I did not it think it through.In my mind Lily and Dumbledore had already had a fight regarding the matter, Lily wanting to get Harry at the moment while Dumbledore trying convince her it would be better to ger her affairs in order first. I will make a point of addressing that issue. This is my first long story so I am still treading on new ground. Please keep on reading and critiquing my story as it helps me improve and think about things! Thanks
Title: Chapter 1 28 Jul 2012 4:20 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start. Can't wait to read more.

    I want to know more about the circumstances why Lily is back and look forward to seeing what kind of relationship Lily, Snape and Harry will have.

    Author's Response: Thank you! There will be more on that later Thanks again for all your help!
Title: Chapter 1 28 Jul 2012 4:02 pm
Reviewer: hazpotsfan (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm really liking this idea, definitely look forward to reading more! :)

    Author's Response: Thank you! glad you liked it :)
Title: Chapter 1 28 Jul 2012 3:30 pm
Reviewer: lirio de amor (Signed) [Report This]
    I really like this so far. I look forward to the next chapters. :)

    Author's Response: Thanks! My first ever review!

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