Title: Chapter 15
| 02 Sep 2012 4:32 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely chapter thank you.
Excellent atart. It's so nice to see Lily and James (especially) written as proper character even though they only have a small part in the story.
This is so cute. I love this. I can't wait to read more and see what happens next.
That last sentence Harry said,,really tugged at my heart.
"Where the freaks go to live," followed up by "no Harry we're going home," had my emotional self in tears lol
Author's Response: glad you like it so far!!
Title: Chapter 14
| 17 Aug 2012 3:48 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely story I am not sure how I have missed it! Thank you so much I can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: I've had it up on fanfiction.net for awhile. just finally decided to post it here recently. Thanks!
I'm enjoying this story very much! I really like your Harry - he seems like an authentic three-year-old, who would want to go back to his home (even if his family was abusive), and would be scared of magic if he'd been taught that it was bad all his life. I also like that Severus wasn't Dumbledore's first choice for a guardian - it makes sense that he'd turn to the other professors first, who actually want to take care of Harry. Are the Malfoys going to make trouble for Harry and Severus? I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks. I'm trying to make it as unique of a storyline as possible.
oh very interesting I look forward to more..
Author's Response: thanks!
Oh, man... Lucius raises his ugly head, and just as little Harry was becoming more outgoing! I loved the birthday party (doves were totally cool!) and Harry's awe that it was all for him! Well deserved and long overdue. Now, what KIND of pendant did the Malfoys send? Is it dangerous? Can it abduct Harry? Hmm... // After reading the first 14 chapters, I believe one of your greatest strengths is your well-developed characterization-- not just Harry himself, but also all of the adults in his life. What a mixed bag! But you've dealt with them splendidly! I'll look forward to reading future chapters, even if I don't get the chance to review each one from now on. Thanks for a fabulous intro to your storyline! ;-D
Author's Response: Thanks for all of the amazing reviews!
"No child should be raised unloved if there was another option." Absolutely! And how cute of Harry to settle down outside the lab doorway to observe the brewing process! Especially unbeknownst to Snape-- the spy gets spied upon! Hee! And now he's made Harry happy again, by promising to teach him to brew when he's bigger-- awwwww! Snape's offered sweets come from the heart, not a bowl of sherbet lemons!
Aww! One tiny nod of approval means the world to Harry! And new clothes to boot! And teddy bear pajamas! Yay! Things are definitely looking up! :-)