Hadwyn is a neat character. He sounds like a good one to take over Snape's classes. The Playmate should be a good companion for Harry. It should help for him to have a small, nonjudgmental creature as a new friend.
I liked the story of Hadwyn and Severus' friendship. Hadwyn would have to be strong-willed to deal with Snape. I also liked the way Severus dealt with Harry's refusal to study. Using Lily's love of learning was a good way to make him think.
Hermione certainly is persistant. I was surprised that Harry let her have it. Maybe it will make her think twice about the situation.
The shopping trip sounded difficult for Harry to cope with. Good thing they didn't go to a wizarding establishment - that would have been worse for him to deal with.
I'm glad that Snape is acting so sensibly with Harry. He is gentler but not, as Harry put it, coddling him. Sounds like Hermione is on the trail. That may not be a good thing.
It sounds like Harry is regressing. At least he has his trust in Snape to hold onto.
Snape is handling Harry well. As Head of House, he must have had some practice in dealing with a variety of children including abused ones, so he has some idea of how to act around Harry.
Poor Harry. At least he trusts Snape.
AUGH! I was heartbroken that I reached the dreaded "to be continued..." I believe I started reading this story somewhere or other and stopped when it got all...y'know, Harry off in god knows where, etc. but I'm very happy I kept reading this time, this is AWESOME. Very much liking the plot changes as well with Sirius, although I can't imagine Severus is going to be too happy about him showing up in search of Harry...
Author's Response: I have a plan for that! The Sirius showing up thing. Muahahahhaa. *rubs hands gleefully*
Title: Sirius Black
| 19 Aug 2013 7:59 pm
Reviewer: lunaz (Anonymous)
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I do enjoy reading this story and I look forward to the next chapter.