Lupin, you better hope that you don’t run into James and Lily in the afterlife. I’m sure they will make you wish you could die again. If someone, especially a now-former friend, did that to my kid, I would literally tear them apart, and then put them back together so I could do it again a thousand more times until they had beyond wished that they would die.
Please, Please finish this fic
Title: Sirius Black
| 25 Sep 2014 12:47 am
Reviewer: snarry fan (Anonymous)
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Its greaaaaat........ I want updaaaaaaaaaaate....pleaaaaaaaase
Love this story wish you would update soon
Title: Sirius Black
| 18 Mar 2014 11:36 am
Reviewer: my_patronus_is_a_dinosaur (Anonymous)
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Love this plot - so many exciting elements! I'm hoping you continue this storyline!! wonderfully well written. I love Harry's emotions, Hayden, Snitch, the dragons, Herminone, and Papa!
It sounds like Sirius is going after Harry. That can't end well. Severus won't allow it and Harry wouldn't leave Snape. Goodness knows what James and Lily will do. I hope you haven't abandoned the story. I really would like to see what happens.
Author's Response: Not abandoned! Almost finished even.
Wow. Sirius really gave it to the Dursleys. I am kind of glad that he didn't kill Petunia though.
The issue of Big Blue the dragon is an interesting turn of events. Harry had wanted to help the dragons earlier and it seems like he is heading in that direction. It should help him take his mind off his own problems and focus on something else. And Sirius seems to be getting it from all sides here.
I'm glad that Harry is making progress, both mentally and educationally. And I am enjoying Sirius' adventures among the Slytherins. The girls were right - anyone who insults their captors is an idiot.
Sirius has really put both feet in it. He has annoyed Hobbs and Darc and Hadwyn. He may never get out of Slytherin house gain. Lost in the dungeons forever.