Wonderful chapter. I wondered why Fred & George never noticed unknown name in the Gryffindor tower.
Title: Chapter 7
| 11 Dec 2012 2:38 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely especially the ending! Thank you so much.
lol, yeah I can imagine Snape would have an unusual expression after those two declarations. Really happy to see this update, can't wait for the next!
Title: Chapter 7
| 09 Dec 2012 5:17 pm
Reviewer: Anon (Anonymous)
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Absolutely wonderful.! Cannot wait for more chapters.
A lot in this chapter! I truly enjoyed reading it, please update again soon!!
Oh, yes. Yes, those two sentences right together probably would have elicited a most amusing expression from Snape, I should think. Imagining the scene certainly gave me a good chuckle.
Brilliant chapter! I look forward to the next. ^^
Title: Chapter 7
| 08 Dec 2012 6:16 pm
Reviewer: chris (Anonymous)
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Thank you for this wonderful story every time i see that it has been updated i get a silly little grin :)
Right. So I'm leaving another review because I just happened to notice that the site ate the bulk of my previous review (as well as that for Ch. 3). Basically, I said that I am absolutely loving this fic so far and eagerly await an update. It probably sounded better in my original review. Or, at least, less concise, I'm sure. :P Anyhow. Update soon. (And sorry for the double review.)
Glad Harry convinced Snape to teach him again. That kidnapping was a little eccentric on Snape's part though, lol.
Hope to see an update soon!
Yaaaaayyyy - they're going to have lessons again.