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Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Diagon Alley 12 Nov 2012 3:56 pm
Reviewer: Lady Destiny (Signed) [Report This]
    My favorite chapter so far! I really enjoyed the interaction between Harry and Snape. Please update again soon!!
Title: The Zoo 12 Nov 2012 3:30 pm
Reviewer: Lady Destiny (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay, Harry's gotten away from the Durselys! Can't wait to read more!
Title: Prologue 12 Nov 2012 3:16 pm
Reviewer: Lady Destiny (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, poor Harry! Interesting development tho
Title: Diagon Alley 12 Nov 2012 5:54 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    this is so GOOOOOOOOD I am glad I started to read you awsome story. I hope he gets sorted into any of the house but Gryfindor to be honest the way you wrote all about them made me mad :P I can tell already that I am going to hate Dumbledore, McGonagal (maybe), and I am sure Ron will be a twit/prat/git and try and suck up to Harry. Well that is just my interpatition. Now that I think about it I am sure you are going to have him sortted into Slytherin since I remember reading that he gets close with Draco. HMMMMMMMMMM now I am really interested and I hope you update soon...very soon.
Title: Prologue 12 Nov 2012 3:21 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    this may sound odd but...you description of Voldemort was, dare I say, HOT!!!!
    I so hope Harry gets his revenge on his worthless so call relatives muhahahaha
Title: Diagon Alley 12 Nov 2012 2:47 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, this is a great chapter!!! I love how Snape has been introduced and brought into the mix.

    I feel like you can split this into more chapters since it is so long and so much happens in it.

    I love that Tom took Harry to see a Healer. I admit that I was hoping for some detailed healing scenes, and hoped that Snape would be called in to help. I wonder if Tom will tell Snape about all the healing diagnoses and what Harry is taking now that Snape is his guardian. Maybe Snape will have Harry seen by poppy.... that is if he tells Poppy about Harry.

    It makes me wonder just who Snape and Harry will trust with their secret. If anyone.

    Oh, I love how Dumbledore is made out to be the villain in this book. I wonder how Harry will see Dumbledore for the first time, and what he will think of him. Can Dumbledore do legilimency? How will Snape and Harry keep their relationship a secret?

    oh, this is going to be great! I love the buildup of Voldemort's background, to make him less of a evil sort. I love how Snape is troubled... I'm guessing that Dumbledore is responsible for all the problems Snape, Voldemort and Harry have with their magic and any blocks, any part of them being twisted. I will be interested to find out how this will all develop, what Dumbledore will do (if it is Dumbledore and not another villain like Grindelwald), and how Harry will come into play.

    I wished to see more of Tom's wife, or at least know more than the fact that she exists. Her absence in all of this seems a little strange. I like Tom's family, but felt that the interaction with Hannah and the Abbots was more filler than needed. I wonder if Hannah or anyone else will have a main role later. That would be interesting to see Hannah more developed and in the thick of things.

    Harry's wand is awesome. I loved how you explained the parts of the wand better, At first, I didn't get that what we were reading is something Harry wrote in this notebook, and not something he was actually literally reading from a book. I like how the wand would become inert if used for the wrong things. I wonder if this will come into play later.

    I also wonder if Harry and Hannah will end up as Healers. Now, that would be cool.

    I wonder if Harry will end up as friends with Ron this time around, and what house he will be sorted into.

    I can't wait to read more about the Malfoy's, and how Harry will meet the Dark Lord. I wonder what the Dark Lord's plans are, and just who will be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

    Great, great, great start! I am hoping for a lot of action, drama, and Snape and Harry bonding. Excellent!

    Thanks for starting this story and for sharing it with us! Please continue writing!
Title: The Zoo 12 Nov 2012 2:34 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Fabulous! I love all the events leading up to Harry's departure and then meeting Tom. Yay for Harry! I did like how his Aunt started treating him better, but she was still the same, not really loving Harry. Poor kid! It did seem strange that she bought him a new back pack, almost out of character. Was it really new, just bought from the store new? I enjoyed seeing things from her perspective.

    Tom is an interesting character. I imagine him as a large man with large, strong arms, but I don't really know how else to picture him. I would have liked maybe more of an image from Harry's eyes. The large size and arms might be something I just made up. I really, really like how Tom's family sort of has a family business in collecting the runaway Muggle born and the like.

    I'm unsure of Tom's social status, well I guess I am more confused, because I always thought that he was more of the lower class, and now I'm not sure. I think maybe more mannerisms, or maybe the speech making him more of a lower class would help my confusion, but then again, maybe he's not from the lower class. I'll have to reread the first Harry Potter book again.

    I really like that Tom is helping Harry though. I like all the point of views. I'd like more comments on Tom's physical features, and maybe details about what kind of man he was. I'd like to see more actions, or developed physical traits that help us understand the character more, and not mostly a narrative telling us.

    I liked the details of the zoo, but felt that the part from the waitresses's perspective didn't add much to the story. I see how Harry was able to eat cake later when he was hurt, but other than that the part with the waitress seemed unnecessary to the plot and character buildup of the story. The whole scene at the zoo lunch table seemed a bit stilted and not in line with the rest of the story. I like how someone treated Harry well, in a way. It does show how bad the Durlsey's are, but I feel like it all could be shortened and more concise so that the story could move on.

    Poor Harry getting beaten like that. I am glad that his aunt found enough compassion to help him, even just a little. It seemed very realistic for her to think that staying with Vernon was okay because he treated her and HER child alright. I wonder if something is allowing Vernon to hurt Harry, and void Harry's wishes not to be noticed when he is to be "punished."

    I liked how Harry was curious about his parents and wanted to research them, but I wonder if the time spent in the library, and learning about his parents really shape his character as much as the later events. I think that part might have made the chapter drag for a little bit, but overall I find the pace of the story to be good.

    But I like the story so far, love the length of the chapters and everything that has happened. The chapter probably could be split between The Zoo and Harry finding The Leaky Cauldron. Sometimes shorter chapters get you more reviews.

    Harry's a cute kid, and Tom's a fun character to learn more about. Near the end, Tom is referred to as a landowner, and I was wondering is he really a landowner if he owns a pub and inn?

    I really am enjoying this story so far, and I am wrapped up in it! Well done and marvelous job creating this universe for our favorite characters to play in! :)
Title: Diagon Alley 12 Nov 2012 2:28 am
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    I like it update soon
Title: The Zoo 12 Nov 2012 2:27 am
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting indeed
Title: Prologue 12 Nov 2012 2:26 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor, poor Harry. Good start to a story. I love the details and how we get to know this version of Harry intimately. We get to really learn about his character and what made him who he is.

    Some of the chapter I felt to be a little bit dragging, almost too much filler of Harry's Muggle life, and a rewrite of the first book. But I DID enjoy reading and learning what this Harry's personality is like, and how he sees and reacts to everything. It's interesting that he is able to use his magic sometimes, and not others. I wonder how and why this Harry is different from the book Harry - did the return of a younger Voldemort this summer somehow affect Harry's abilities to make him more equipped to survive?

    I find myself wishing that Harry's Muggle life were a little bit shorter. I wanted to get into the action and drama of the Wizarding world.

    I loved the ending, how Harry was able to feel secure now that he had a light whenever he needed it. :)

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