Thanks for your story. It was moving and heartbreaking.
Title: Always
| 14 May 2014 2:54 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Love this so good I wish it happened!
Title: Always
| 09 Jan 2013 1:34 pm
Reviewer: spencefa (Anonymous)
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Excellent chapter, you write very well
it gave me tears...short, both sad and happy..
This is too sad for words - too bad that you had to finish it like this - I would have loved a happier ending, but with the same context to the story - the boys getting obliviated, etc.
Hugs and Love, Vanime
Title: Always
| 19 Nov 2012 3:21 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
A lovely idea and just makes me more angry with Dumbledore thank you so much
Lovely chapter. After reading it, I couldn't help but wonder what if?
Lovely chapter. After reading it, I couldn't help but wonder what if?