Aww, I liked this chapter! I would definitely like to see Harry aeaged to 4 or 5 years old. I think I mentioned my reasons why in my last review. Dumbledore could not intervene because he is not old enough to enter Hogwarts. Plus, Severus could get guardianship of Harry by adopting him. Also, it would be better if Harry was younger so Severus can deal with his uncle and aunt's abuse as it's easier to deal with kids that are younger as they are more likely to get over it. Not only that
The potion did more then make Harry younger but made him Sev's too? Or maybe their connection via their souls are shown in their bodies? Please don't let Albus divide them or attempt to re-age Harry.
Maybe Sev and his cub should make a run for it or Sev adopt Harry as soon as they transform. Or before?
Love this chapter! Thank you! :) More please??
Hugs and Love and Happy New Year! Vanime
Title: Problems
| 29 Dec 2012 2:10 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a lovely chapter. If Severus was able to change himself could he take Harry, aged 4, away from Hogwarts and change him and look after him or leave him in his cub form until he has matured.
Title: Father & Cub
| 29 Dec 2012 2:04 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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I love the fluff and don't want them to change! Thank you
Title: Problems
| 27 Dec 2012 11:22 am
Reviewer: S.S (Anonymous)
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I really love the story and I found myself emmersed in the plot.. There isn't many stories like this and I look forward to reading more.. I would love if Harry returned as a younger Harry like Viridian is acting :D.... But that's just me... Please continue because I'm dying to read more :P
Happy Holidays! I loved this chapter!
I do have a solution to the problem where Harry retransforms. I think he ought to transform to a younger age, around four or five as you mentioned. In that case, Dumbledore could not intervene because he is not old enough to enter Hogwarts. Plus, Severus could get guardianship of Harry by adopting him. Also, it would be better if Harry was younger so Severus can deal with his uncle and aunt's abuse as it's easier to deal with kids that are younger.
Please update again soon, I look forward to reading more!
hmmm I can see the problem but if he is transformed back as the 4 or 5 year old Severus could raise him still as his cub and provide him a better life. But, then again that would cause problems for th wizarding world. They need Harry well at least they planned to use him. I don't know what but I think you should hmmmm...Perhaps keep Harry in his 4-5 year old body but get memories back perhaps...I don't know thats a toughy
Cute!!! SO FREAKIN ADORABLE! lol. I love it. Can't wait for more!