I love the original touches that lift your story up above the average.
Author's Response: Aww... You're so sweet to say so! Sometimes I have to struggle to get something original, and other times, it just comes... But it always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when someone lets me know I've succeeded with something original! So... thanks so much for saying so! ;-)
Better late than never, Snape! Winter lace? Lovely analogy. I'd never thought of it like that, although I always wish I could paint when I see dark branches silhouetted against a spectacular sunset.
Author's Response: I know exactly how you feel! I wish I had artistic ability, but I can't draw or paint or sing or play musical instruments well at all. My mother could do EVERYTHING, but I got gypped on every type of talent except writing. (And HA! My mother couldn't spell worth a hoot!) Yes, I've often wished I could paint winter lace against vibrant colors! Thanks for reviewing this chapter, too! :-D
Loved Mrs Norris - she made the perfect introduction. I could easily see Snape finding Hermione's predicament hilarious too.
Author's Response: Hee! I've been wanting to use Mrs. Norris in an "active" role for so long, so I decided to put her into the scene. And given that the chapter ends with cat-mione, it seems to create a bit of symmetry! Or not! And Snape-- oh, yes!-- he's so pleased that the know-it-all got in over her head! TWO trays of potions, no less! Thanks for the review! :-)
Loved it!!! Can't believe how many tears it caused. Merry/Happy Christmas!!
Author's Response: Awww... I really didn't mean to make anyone cry! But wow-- what a compliment! Still, I'm glad you loved it, and many thanks for leaving a review to tell me so! Merry/Happy Christmas to you, too! :-)
Pretty! Beautiful ending. I'd like to see Snape and Dumbledore talk, and know what will happen to Harry, but I also like how it ended, with Snape and Harry sharing a moment and imagination. Beautiful. Thanks for writing and for sharing it!
Author's Response: I deliberately left some aspects open-ended. For example, Snape could use Reparo-- but the story isn't about that. It's about finding solace in the eternal, rather than the transient. (Did I really just SAY that? I hadn't even put it into actual words until this moment! I'm totally on a roll!) Thank you so much for taking the time to review all the chapters! And have a very Merry Christmas! :-)
Wow, this is a fantastic story! I loved how the ornaments appeared on the tree as Harry told his story. I wonder where that idea came from, if it's something Snape had in his house working like that already, or if he just made it up then for Harry. Loved the gift that Snape gave Harry. Fabulous chapter!
Author's Response: Believe it or not, I'M still wondering where the idea for Snape's tree came from! It was NOT in my original outline; the ornament appeared without warning as I was writing, and the rest of the scene practically wrote itself. I love when that happens (tho' it always amazes me....)! Maybe we can blame this on the Magic of Christmas?! And the mantilla was originally just an heirloom scarf... Gee-- when my imagination runs wild, watch out! Thanks for reviewing this chapter, too!
Nice ending. I liked the way you tied the black lace mantilla in to the way Harry viewed the trees against the sky at sunset - black lace. An unusual Christmas tale.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for all of your reviews! Yes, I agree it's a bit unusual for a Christmas story, but it was a lot of fun to write, and I tried to bring something original to the Harry Potter genre! So glad you liked the lace imagery! Merry Christmas! :-)
Way to go, Snape! I'm glad that his consciousness finally worked him over enough to make him go back for Harry. Fantastic chapter!
Author's Response: I kinda think Snape finds it easier to swallow his pride with a sip or two of Firewhiskey... But better late than never, when it comes to rescuing Harry, hmm? Thanks for another review!
Muah ha ha! Of course Snape would catch them if he were there. Bit mean of him to laugh so much. He could of got bit or scratched if Hermione wasn't in control of himself. Nice start!
Author's Response: And Snape ISN'T ever mean, is he? Naaaaah! But the laughing is focused on the Know-It-All finally getting her comeuppance, in his opinion. Her hand-waving has gotten under his skin for a year and a half already... Thanks for the review!
Title: Eternal Gift
| 23 Dec 2012 9:57 pm
Reviewer: Francela (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
What a beautiful story. And thanks for sharing it at Christmas time. I loved seeing the relationship between a younger Harry, and Snape. There is such innocence at that age if it has not been stolen, and such hope. You represented it well. I loved, absolutely loved the way an exquisite ornament would appear on the tree when Harry would share a piece of his upbringing. Again, thanks for sharing this great story. Keep writing!
Author's Response: Many thanks for such a lovely review! I honestly don't know where the idea for the Christmas tree scene came from-- it just suddenly "happened" as I was writing, and I went with the impulse. Originally, I'd planned to have Snape interrogating Harry, who would be extremely defensive in answering, but after that first ornament appeared, I realized it would be far better for Snape to use a positive form of encouragement to get Harry to speak. And, boy, did it ever work! So glad you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas! :-)