I really gotta start paying attention to the warnings on the stories. They're there for a reason right.
Excuse me while I go sob my eyes out into my bowl of ice cream.
Ps...was good, but tragic...
Author's Response: haha. im sorry i made you cry, but i DID warn you. thank you for reviewing. ennjoy your ice cream ;)
Title: The Boy Who Didn't
| 15 Jan 2013 6:42 pm
Reviewer: JWOHPfan (Anonymous)
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Nice writing, but in no way my fave type of story!
Author's Response: Thank you for the review even though it wasnt your favorite. these reviews really mean a lot to me.
Very sad. Very real. Much more real that Canon Harry who is left nearly unscathed by the Dursleys (though Canon abuse was probably lesser). Thank you for sharing this.
Author's Response: Thank you so much! i really liked jk rowlings writing, but i felt it was a little ridiculous that he never had any injuries at all, even mentally. living with a family like that, at the age he was, was bound to leave scars. Thank you for reviewing!
WOW...WOW...that was sad and well written. Its to bad I can't ask for a sequel unless you do a time turner or something?
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I am for sure open to the idea of a sequel... i'll think on it. Thanks for reviewing!
SeverusPrince101, I'm sorry about the weird response, I accidentally hit the respond button before I had finished or even began responding to your review. (I'm really bad with technology, so I don't actually know how to fix that lol). I also write my reviews through my cell, so its a little different going from cell to computer. So. First of all, id like to say thank you for reviewing, it means a lot to me. Secondly, I've always hated the dursleys, and this little plot bunny came up and caught me. I'm sorry I made you cry, but I really wanted to capture the depth of how people's actions really do affect others. (I know I sound lame, please bear with me lol). Last of all, thank you for the encouragement. I hope to someday become a writer, so this site is perfect practice.
Author's Response:
Pretty intense!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reviewing! i really appreciate it.
Oh Merlin!!!! I'm crying so much! Poor Harry the freaks of the Dursleys did this to him. Just how much does poor Severus also have to endure first his love... then the son he didn't get to know. Brilliantly written though.
Author's Response:
harry death at the hands of the dursley's or thereabouts has always been something i can easily picture.
Author's Response: i am in complete agreement. Living in an environment like that for eleven years couldnt have made no difference in harry's life, especially being at a young age like that.
Author's Response: i am in complete agreement. Living in an environment like that for eleven years couldnt have made no difference in harry's life, especially being at a young age like that. thanks for reviewing!