This felt really raw and real, and the second person tense really brought that out. I agree that you conveyed how Harry feels so strikingly well. Thanks so much for this story.
That was deep and dark... But good and a bit tooshort
This is brilliant! Love it!
Wow, a very powerful story, and I think putting it in this tense, saying 'you' rather than 'he' makes the reader feel more of what Harry is feeling. You've done a wonderful job and you have a way with words. Not that I approve of cutting, but I'm just saying that you really put people in Harry's shoes here.
Poor Harry but great ending! I'd read a sequel *hint hint* (;
Title: Reflection
| 24 Jan 2013 7:55 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
| [Report This]
Very well written thank you
This was beautifully done, Lillielle! You handled the second person marvelously well - it can be a bit tricky, sometimes. I love how you have Snape just silently treat Harry's wounds. I found it rather in-character, especially from someone who can truly understand.
Wonderfully done all around. Thanks for answering the challenge.
Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much. :3 I saw your challenge and I just had to write -something- for it. Second person is so tricky to pull off, I had like three false starts before I hit on this plot line and went...yep, this is it. And yeah...I thought about having Severus talk about it, but then it was like...nah. :p
That was really good, you need to write more.
Author's Response: Thank you!
Brilliant, very realistic. Exactly what would run through your head, given Harry's circumstances. Cutting is serious though, maybe add a warning that it might trigger something? Cause it got me feeling... odd again... But the fear of being caught and the shame, that's spot on.
Author's Response: ...Oooh, that's a good idea, I hadn't thought of a trigger warning really, I'm sorry! I hope you're all right. I'm glad you liked it, though.
Oh wow that was really powerful, well done!
Author's Response: Thank you! :)