Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 09 Mar 2015 6:46 pm
Reviewer: Guest (Anonymous)
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This is so confusing so Snape has a dream where he meets AU harrys did he adopt his universe Harry and is this dream to show him that he should adopt harry
Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 13 Oct 2013 3:05 pm
Reviewer: kspence (Signed)
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Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 13 Sep 2013 10:41 am
Reviewer: lunadistruggi (Anonymous)
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oh!!! i'vajust finish to translate it and i love it and you!!! so beatifull!! a very genial idea to present all your fiction in a same time!! now i want read all your story!!
...I feel like I should have read your other stories before reading this... Cause I mean, it was really really adorable and all, but I'd only read Burnt, and so only recognized one Harry... Anywho, I'm off to go read the rest of your stories now.
Author's Response: Good idea!
I really enjoyed reading this. It was different, and I like how the different Harrys worked toward changing this particular Severus' heart. Nicely done. Made me want more.
Author's Response: Well, inside my brain, it's like this a lot. :) Thanks for reviewing.
Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 23 Feb 2013 5:07 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Wonderful idea and all that I know in their characters thank you
This is... Funny in a sad way... Or.... Sad in a funny way... I don't even know
Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 20 Feb 2013 9:25 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed)
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Awesome birthday for Severus! MANY thank yous for writing it! (hugs Severus dodges a few curses/hexes--hehe!!)
Title: Happy Birthday Professor Snape!
| 20 Feb 2013 8:39 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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Woah. You got to it before me *pouts* I wanted to do this, only from Harry's point of view...maybe I still will. Kudos, by the way. I love your stories, and this one was both humorous and serious.