Title: Chapter 5
| 28 Mar 2013 6:04 pm
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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oh I love this too so far....more please
Excellent chapter, so many things going on, I look forward to more.
Now this will be very intersting, I hope it is not too long of a wait.
Author's Response: Why thank you, and I'll try not to take too long :)
Enjoyable reading, will be interesting what is to happen.
Author's Response: thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far :D
Another very good chapter. Have not read one yet that has Snape picking him up from the beginning.
Author's Response: thanks, and it's good to know that the stuff i've got is a teeny bit original :D
This is good, it is very well written.
Author's Response: Thank you, it means a lot to know people enjoy my writing :D
Wicked. How much changes?
Author's Response: thanks, and I'm hoping to still keep some of the original plot, like part of the COS, but theres a couple of changes planned at the moment, and hopefully some more when I finally get round to planning more of my chapters :D
With severus's knowledge of future events, he should be able to keep some of them from happening.
Interesting story
Author's Response: thanks, and I have some intereting plot twists up my sleve specially for you all to make up for it :)
Title: Chapter 3
| 24 Mar 2013 10:21 pm
Reviewer: txn (Signed)
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I love the approach you're taking. It feels fresher that many of the stories I've been reading lately. Can't wait to read more!
Author's Response: Why thank you! Hopefully I will have more up soon for you to enjoy :)
Title: Chapter 2
| 24 Mar 2013 12:16 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Enjoying the story. Yeah, Harry is with Sev, I hate the Dursleys. Can't wait to read more.
Author's Response: Thank you, I will hopefully have some more posted soon for you to enjoy :)