Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Yellow Balloons
Title: Yellow Balloons 18 Apr 2013 6:33 pm
Reviewer: Ann Jinn (Signed) [Report This]
    That was such a beautiful tribute and story.

    Author's Response: Many thanks! I can't imagine what the survivors will face in the weeks and months following the bombing as they try to rebuild their lives. It struck me that the challenges would be like the aftermath of a war, and the story tries to present an emotional parallel. My thoughts and prayers will be with them. And my thanks to you for the review!
Title: Yellow Balloons 18 Apr 2013 5:40 pm
Reviewer: Whitetail (Signed) [Report This]
    That was incredible. And I mean it. Your story was beautifully written, and the way it was all tied together was wonderful. It did not feel contrived that Snape was waiting for Harry, considering how you described the grief present throughout the school - as though it could somehow provide something for the spirits to hold onto. Wow. Definitely worth a ten, and this story has certainly earned a place among my favourites list, and that is not a large list in the least! Well done.

    Author's Response: Thank you so much! It means a lot that you thought it didn't seem contrived-- that was one of my major concerns when I began writing. I really didn't want to exploit the bombing for the sake of a story, but I did hope to offer a bit of light in the darkness that's been hanging over the world since it happened. It was a real challenge, trying to find a delicate balance, and I kept my fingers crossed that I wouldn't screw it up. Thanks for your lovely review! :-)
Title: Yellow Balloons 18 Apr 2013 5:12 pm
Reviewer: my_patronus_is_a_dinosaur (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was lovely. Sad, but truly well done. Thanks for posting it.

    Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! I've spent the past few days feeling so helpless after the bombing; this story gave me the opportunity to address some of the issues people struggle with when hit with sudden loss. It doesn't change the fact of tragedy, but I hoped readers could find something positive in it after all of the negative we've seen on TV.

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