Reviews For Windowsill Confessions
Author's Response: I'm glad that you like the beginning. I might have to rework the next intended chapter, as I don't really have Harry's reaction at all. The writing was all about Severus.
Oops, didn't mean to run on. Anyway, this is very good. I've always liked stories that depict Severus' grandfather still living or Severus having some kind of family from his mother's side, no matter how they turn out... Like 3 Slytherin Marauders. You already have me hooked, so please update soon. Can't wait to find out what the grandfather is like, hope he likes the both of them. Author's Response: I believe there is a way to follow, though you have to be signed in, and I think you have to click on "Track this Story", and allow alerts to your email from the account info section. Additionally, I do have this story on my ff.net site, though under a different pen name...
I'm glad that you like this story, and that you are eager for another update. I do hope that you will enjoy Severus' grandfather; I think he's different than many might portray him, but I've never read a story in which Severus' grandfather is still alive, so I have no idea.
And, no I am rambling. Thank you for reading, and for taking the time to write a review. :-)
Author's Response: I agree - Ron and Hermione are good friends. I'm grateful for your feedback, and that you liked the chapter.
Author's Response: Thank you; I appreciate your feedback, and agree about teenage hormones. I work with kids this age, and their hormones truly are all over the place.
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad you liked the presentation of Ron as sensitive.
Author's Response: Interesting synopsis. Thanks.
Author's Response: Thanks to you as well.
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm glad that you found this beginning well written.
Author's Response: Thank you. I only hope that you will enjoy the rest of what I wrote.
Anyway, it's just as profound on second and third reading. I love this twist on the mentor/adopted son/Severitus(?) storyline. I'm intrigued that Dumbledore will let Severus off the hook for spying on Voldemort. I suspect he'll try to snag Draco for that on down the line, but that pales to the Very Original Idea that binding himself, and Potter, to the Prince name and blood will break the Dark Mark binding Severus to Voldemort. I wonder if it will do anything to the horcrux in Harry's scar, or if you don't plan to have that storyline, if the binding will break Harry's Voldemort-link-induced headaches and nightmares. I SO look forward to your next chapter! Author's Response: Wow, thank you. I'm honored that you read this initial chapter through more than once, and am humbled by your feedback. I fear that the rest of what I wrote for this particular story will be disappointing to you as I do not go into any of those details that you mentioned. What I wrote is mostly about the transformation of Severus, but I'd like to visit these ideas that you mentioned in a companion story that will focus more on Severus and Harry.
Thank you again! |
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