Oh Harry! Poor little bean
Title: Into the future
| 19 Feb 2015 12:29 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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I really appreciated your story with such fluff between Harry and Severus.
I was devastated to find out that Severus had to use the killing curse on Harry but admired his courage to be willing to try out anything to help Harry. I believe anyone who has a bit of empathy would cry after reading this story. I was very tearful myself.
The only part I'm not sure of is your second last sentence of Chapter 40 (Into the future):
"Bye, Professor! See you soon! May I fly with Hedwig and Bertha before bed?"
What do you mean by 'fly with Hedwig and Bertha"? Does Harry have an animagus form of a bird? Or do you mean Fawkes can carry Harry?
Title: Into the future
| 27 Jun 2014 12:07 pm
Reviewer: Lara (Anonymous)
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I have to say I've never cried so much while reading.The trauma and pain that Harry went though! It was so sad but wonderful and beautiful at the same time! I felt as if I was there with Harry! I thoroughly enjoyed the read.You're such a talented writer! One of the best stories I've had the pleasure of reading :)
Title: Into the future
| 02 Mar 2014 2:44 am
Reviewer: laraq (Signed)
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A nicely plotted story and such a treat to see it finished. With the help of a beta for the typos and grammatical errors I don't think there would be very many negative criticisms toward this story left.
Even with the distractions caused by numerous typos, misspellings, and misused words, this was a thoroughly engaging tale with a well thought out and original premise. Good for you!
Title: Into the future
| 25 Dec 2013 5:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for completing the story and I loved the ending!
Awww love it! I've loved reading this from beginning to end and would defo read a sequel!! ;)
This is probably the first fanfic with Longbottoms cured I have ever read. Thank you for writing it! Magnificent story.
Title: Recovery
| 20 Dec 2013 12:15 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you. A busy chapter but a few lovely glimpses of Severus and Harry!