Hm, why do I get the feeling that "the demon" will start making some appearances again? And it doesn't sound too unlikely that it will do so before Snape even has the chance to talk to Harry's doctor...
Great story and I am looking forward to the next chapter! Please update soon!
Title: Mistrust
| 01 Jun 2013 12:20 am
Reviewer: bianca (Anonymous)
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Ahh, there's the old mental illness demon, who's reappearance I've been waiting for. I wonder if the Voldie-crux can remember the DeathEaters, or if it is just a little fragment of anger and destructive power only, incapable of higher function. I hope Severus stays on alert around Harry, adn I look forward to seeing your next chapter!
Title: The wisdom of muggles
| 28 May 2013 8:37 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Fantastic chapter love Severus in full flight! I am looking forward to the confrontation with Dumbledore!
Title: The wisdom of muggles
| 25 May 2013 1:36 am
Reviewer: bianca (Anonymous)
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I love this story! I think Harry still has magic - otherwise, Voldemort couldn't raise havok with Harry's curse scar. I think the bond (or horcrux) between Harry and Voldemort needs magic to support it. If Harry was a squib, I think it might not be as strong, but if Harry had no magic at all, I don't think it could let Voldemort (or the soul fragment of Voldemort) have any control over Harry. I look forward to seeing how "the demons" come out, now that Harry is not getting his medications.
Well since Hedwig bound herself to him he has to have magic. Yeah Hedwig for the rescue!!! I suppose that all the meds could be suppressing his ability to preform magic, especially since the meds also suppress skills in reading, writing and other forms of learning.
Title: Becoming mad
| 23 May 2013 9:03 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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The commas at the beginning of sentences are very annoying when reading. Otherwise, a good plot.
Title: The wisdom of muggles
| 23 May 2013 7:19 pm
Reviewer: bianca (Anonymous)
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Snape's on the right track, going to the London Library. I can hardly wait to see how Harry starts to act up, now that he's off his meds. I suspect it will take a bit before it goes pear-shaped, though.
Title: Squibs and muggleborn can't detect demons
| 18 May 2013 6:43 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Great chapter and well done for making Albus admit his wrongdoing
Title: Squibs and muggleborn can't detect demons
| 18 May 2013 1:55 pm
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Signed)
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Interesting story... Poorv
Title: Squibs and muggleborn can't detect demons
| 16 May 2013 8:57 pm
Reviewer: Gryffinclaw (Signed)
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Little Harry is so cute. "I'm a mad freak." Can't wait to see if Dumbledore and Snape figure out Voldemort's role in all of this and how they finally help Harry.