Title: Run Away
| 01 Jun 2013 12:15 am
Reviewer: bianca (Anonymous)
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I'm glad Severus found him, and explained that he didn't know the full conversation. At least Remus was helpful!
woo hoo Harry now sees that he has a family and one that wants him and will and has always loved him. I can't wait for the trial. I hope the Potters don't get a slap on the wrist and that all. I quote Filch from chamber of secrets "I want to see some punishment". Who cares if Henry is "the boy who should be dead" Abuse and neglect are a crime that needs to be punished. I also can't wait to see the reactions of everyone when all this goes down. I just hope people are not to rude to Alex cause he took down the Potters. Severus won't let anything bad happen to him. I also hope he gets resorted into Slytherin where he belongs and I am shocked that I am saying this but I hope he joins Voldemort and help take down the light for ruining his life.
Author's Response: Ufortunately old Voldie is completely gone in this tale. When he attacked Henry, he really did die. But pre-Severus I could see that happening- all of his depression and angst turning into anger and hate. I hope you like where i take this :)
oh way to go Tobias and Severus for that matter. Now you will lose the second son again and this time its your own fault.
I am really enjoying your story. Hope the Potters get what's coming to them.
Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Run Away
| 31 May 2013 2:59 pm
Reviewer: GEmory (Anonymous)
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Great chapter! I'm looking forward to find out what you do at the trial. Will the Potters and Dumbledore get away with it? Were there any other children that were kidnapped or declared dead? What will the reaction be "on the street" when people find out what they did? I'm definitely hooked on your story. :)
a lot of emotional stuff in this chapter
Author's Response: It's your challenge! Lol! I hope you still like my take on it :)
What a shame Harry only overheard part of the conversation. Here's hoping Tobias find himself able to give his son the attention he needs. Good story.
Title: Choices
| 30 May 2013 10:58 pm
Reviewer: Kendra (Anonymous)
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Oh, Dulce Merlín!!!
Debo decir que la actitud de Tobias Snape me desconcertó al inicio, pero es entendible y su defensa apasionada de querer a su hijo es bastante buena.
Obviamente, me dejas la duda de que fue lo que hizo Harry y por supuesto esperar como los dos Snape mayores manejan la decepción del pobre Alex,
en fin.... muy buen capítulo
i can totally relate to harry at this point regarding the feeling nobody wants him and feeling like he isn't good enough or doesn't measure up to the snapes. I think he would have felt this way regardless of overhearing the elder snapes conversation. He has after all been trained to be invisible and unworthy. Add suicidal on to that and it would be a miracle if he felt welcome at the homey weasley's, let alone the austere snapes.
tobias doesn't seem that welcoming either. He hasn't even asked to be called by his first name or *gasp* father. Has severus asked to be called anything other than sir or professor? i'll have to re-read the story again.
I love stories where the characters are human with flaws and make mistakes but also learn from them as the story progresses.
Anyhoo, i love the update speed and anxiously look forward to more.
The old saying about eavesdroppers hearing unfortunate things was certainly true in Harry's case. Too bad he only heard bits of the conversation and went with what he heard. At least the Snapes had wards up. No they just have to convince him that he really is wanted.