Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Emerald Windows
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 18 Jul 2023 12:02 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    I couldn’t resist coming back for another read.

    Author's Response: Hey, I totally get it! I've got my fave stories, too! But thanks for letting me know that you revisited this one! 😊
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 27 Dec 2022 1:43 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    This was so suspenseful and creative! What a fascinating end for a bereft creature of darkness. The mirror’s intended use as a therapeutic tool was brilliant. Thanks for the riveting, intriguing, and thoroughly imaginative Halloween story!

    Author's Response: I was on a roll the year that I wrote this! I felt an urge to do something rather grim and grisly for Halloween -- and once my imagination took off... Watch out! Interesting that you focused on one of my toughest issues: WHY was that mirror invented in the first place? (And, of course, that begs the questions: Why and how does that old witch have the mirror in the second place? Well, I don't have to answer ALL of my own questions!) Thank you, as always, for reading and reviewing! So glad you enjoyed this fic! 😁
Title: Darkening Scar 27 Dec 2022 1:24 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    That took a turn for the unexpected! I wonder how the mirror fits in, and why Harry’s scar changed in the mirror. So many mysteries here. I must read on!

    Author's Response: Oh, please do keep reading! It's Halloween! You can't quit Trick-or-Treating now!!! That mirror has a few more tricks hidden up its sleeve... 😆 Thanks for reading and reviewing! Hee!
Title: Mirror Lost, Mirror Found 27 Dec 2022 12:41 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    Have I mentioned how much I love your stories? They’re unique, immersive, and beautifully written. I love how this one opened with the hobbling old witch and took us to Harry’s intriguing use of the mirror (oh please let it be who he thinks it is!), before landing us in the amusing encounter with Snape. I’m so glad that he took the bean instead of the mirror!

    Author's Response: The bean! *grins* Wow -- "immersive" -- I'll treasure that descriptive! Thank you so much! I write to entertain myself, first of all -- then I put my stories out there to let my readers (hopefully) enjoy them as well! And trying for some "unique" angle in the HP universe is CHALLENGING! We all know canon, and trying to use that as a springboard... The question for me is always: Can I jump high ENOUGH to get away from storylines that seem bogged ankle deep in canon? Thanks for letting me know when I've succeeded! And thanks again for reading and reviewing! 😺
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 04 Oct 2022 2:44 pm
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    Brilliantly done.

    Author's Response: Thank you! My imagination was working overtime when I wrote this story! So glad you enjoyed it, and many thanks for reading and reviewing! 😺
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 24 Sep 2014 7:45 pm
Reviewer: Jtz (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow. Scary, suspenful and very good.

    Author's Response: Wow! Thanks! I don't often get into the creep factor in my writing, so I loved hearing your reaction after all the time I spent trying to get this written to come across that way. Your review is music to my ears! Many thanks! ;-)
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 16 Dec 2013 7:53 am
Reviewer: Con Moto (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks for that shadow, that was an extremely enjoyable read! everything made sense in the end and as always, I love the way you write your stories :) even though I didn't read this at Halloween I still felt the mysterious nature of it heehee :D well done shadow this was great!

    Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it, Con! It's one of those situations where I got an idea and just HAD to run with it! Halloween seems to inspire me, for some reason. :-) (I am totally into black cats-- have my fourth black kitty, this one named Shadow, after the cat in Keina's story, "The Last Gift", tho' mine is female. When I saw the homeless kitten abandoned by the dumpsters, I planned to name him Severus, but then discovered he was a she!) Always love to hear that someone loves the way I write my stories-- many thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Darkening Scar 16 Dec 2013 7:34 am
Reviewer: Con Moto (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh dear what's going on? Great chapter though!

    Author's Response: Yep-- Harry is really beginning to wonder... But all will be answered in the final chapter! :-D
Title: Mirror Lost, Mirror Found 16 Dec 2013 7:20 am
Reviewer: Con Moto (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so sorry I didn't read this sooner, I've only just found time to sit down and properly read a story! But what an excellent way to get back into fanfiction, your stories are always lovely! This chapter was great, I wonder how Lily got in the mirror... And the dialogue between Snape and Harry was quite funny :) Harry's attitude as a result of talking to Lily was amusing heehee!

    Author's Response: Better late than never! ;-) When P&S requires Snape/Harry interaction, you never know which direction it'll take... I decided to put a touch of humor (at least on Harry's part) into their dialogue, tho' I think Snape may have scored the final point!
Title: Witnesseth The Gibbous Moon 23 Oct 2013 4:16 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story very well written thank you

    Author's Response: You're very welcome, and thanks for all your compliments! :-)

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