Title: Sleeping on the Job
| 20 Jul 2014 1:32 pm
Reviewer: Angelique (Anonymous)
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Yay! So glad that you are back! Thanks for the update, I have missed this story. The Dragon society is very fascinating. Maybe Draco and Luna are dragons too? I hope that Harry will be able to confide in his friends soon.
i hope that they catch the creep soon.
Title: What's a Stilliphwat?
| 13 Jun 2014 7:05 am
Reviewer: Angelique (Anonymous)
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Please update! I love this story, it has such a unique story line with Harry being a half-dragon.
:) Luna. Always one of my favorite characters. So is harry finally going to talk to someone cause that would be awesome.
ooh. i wonder if hes going to tell them.
Title: My Son
| 24 Mar 2014 5:48 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you an excellent chapter
i don't want to give harry pity because i hate to get it. but i feel really sorry for him. the fact that he finds out that his father is still alive but thinks that being a spy is more important than being there for harry is really pathetic. if spying is his top priority and not harry than snape doesn't deserve to be a father. when you are a parent your kids come first. they are supposed to be the most important thing in your life. and snape isnt acting that way. he needs to get his priority's straight and at like a good father for harry. not like someone who doesn't really care about harry. :(
Title: My Son
| 21 Mar 2014 7:57 pm
Reviewer: severina (Anonymous)
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Thanks for the update, that was an intense moment between Snape and Harry. I am really enjoying this story, and I love the dragon-connection! Very original and intriguing plot... I am looking forward to learn more about the dragon society.
Nice update! Too bad Harry can't tell his friends. Hermione would be a great ally. I wonder what's up with Draco. Thanks for updatin!