Title: Illusions of Normal
| 09 Feb 2014 4:35 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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nothing much happened in this chapter but I wonder what Dumbledore has to say?
I'm really enjoying this story so far! I've read stories with Harry being mixed with some type of creature, but it was always on Snape's side of the family.
Anyway, I was wondering how you explain Harry looking like James if he's Snape's son. Most people say in similar stories that it was a spell to protect him, but I'm curious about what you'll say. :)
Title: Information Overload
| 02 Feb 2014 12:31 am
Reviewer: Sumsum (Anonymous)
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LOL. I'm reading this with my friend and as soon as we read the last part of the chapter she said "Get ready Potter, cause you're about to shit yourself."
We both love the story so far, and how you portrayed Snape! :D
It would be great if Fred and George met Dudley. It would be so funny. :)
Albus what don't you understand when Severus said it was "Personal" business. He meant personal and none of you bees wax. I would have given him the evil eyes and told him just that. Harry needs to work on his i'm lying face and attitude anyone would see through that. Ron just knows went to let it go but Hermione on the other hand :P
LOL, I love how Harry said he needed a three month vacation to get all this stuff straight. Cute story! It's really interesting and different. :3 I look forward to more!
Title: A Royal Mess
| 29 Jan 2014 9:19 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Hmm not sure about dragon queens but very well written so I'll stay
wow that was a shocker and in interesting turn of events. Royalty and an uncle that wants to kill Harry. Man he has no nice relatives (besides his dad).