Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 18 Jul 2023 10:10 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, my. First the hilariousness of Harry’s prank - I loved the idea of him laughing all the way up through the school - and then the beautiful melancholy of Severus’ memories finally giving him peace.

    Author's Response: I had soooo much fun writing this story! And truly, when it came to Canon, Snape just HAD to have removed all the cards listing his name, either as victim or detainee for retaliation against the Marauders. Once that idea hit my gray matter, I grabbed it and ran with it! Your reviews always make me smile! Many thanks!!! 😺
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 27 Dec 2022 12:01 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a lovely story! The cards for Snape were hilarious. I also enjoyed Snape’s poignant contemplations at the end.

    Author's Response: Aha! Another review! Warms my heart while I'm waiting for my pipes to thaw after a 4-day freeze going below 0 degrees Fahrenheit! I had soooo much FUN writing this story! But I did have to get a bit angsty with Snape during his silent reflections... It was the only way to lift his spirits in the end. He is superbly human, after all. Thanks for reading and reviewing! 🎄
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 22 Sep 2014 10:11 pm
Reviewer: Jtz (Signed) [Report This]
    Love it!

    Author's Response: I'd wanted to do something a bit more light-hearted than Snape just glowering through the holiday season, and playing him off against McGonagall (who would obviously take Harry's side!) seemed to fit the bill. And the spirit of Christmas prevailed over all! Yay! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 07 Jan 2014 4:17 am
Reviewer: Con Moto (Signed) [Report This]
    That was great! I loved Harry and Ron in this and that finger glitter charm was really creative :) Harry's impudence was really funny heehee! The end was powerful and beautiful too :) well done on yet another amazing story!

    Author's Response: Joy to the world! Hahahahaaa! I love trying to come up with something original for each story, and the glitter thingie and the Copperplate Charm made TWO for this story-- yay! But I had to give Snape some peace of mind for Christmas Eve, and I loved doing the starry night scene... That's the way it should be! (Except for Down Under! Hee! It's hard to imagine your climate at Christmas! ;-D ) Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 07 Jan 2014 1:40 am
Reviewer: Whitetail (Signed) [Report This]
    Personally, I think it would be wise of Harry to transfer to Beauxbatons after *that* daring prank! Highly creative, for sure!

    Author's Response: Hahahahaaa!!! And, of course, Harry has no idea that Snape is on to him-- Harry thinks he pulled it off! I really wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall when spring term commences at Hogwarts... Thanks for reading and reviewing! ;-)
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 06 Jan 2014 9:16 pm
Reviewer: lady (Anonymous) [Report This]
    me encanto

    Author's Response: Muchas gracias! :-D

    Author's Response: Muchas gracias! :-D
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 06 Jan 2014 6:47 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Hee Hee! I love it!!!!

    Harry just got his revenge on Snape, but maybe just maybe, he learned something too.

    Very well written, and very amusing too! Hope you had a lovely holiday!

    Author's Response: Thanks! I'd been wanting to do something with those cards for the longest time, and I decided to put a Christmas spin on my original premise of Harry creating faux detention cards. This worked out even better, and I loved doing Snape's Christmas Eve in the final scene! So glad you enjoyed the story, and thanks for the review! :-D
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 06 Jan 2014 6:38 pm
Reviewer: starangel2106 (Signed) [Report This]
    Very good! :D

    Author's Response: Thanks! I always love hearing from happy readers! A good review warms my heart, and while we're in the throes of the Polar Vortex, I need all the heat I can get!!! ;-)
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 06 Jan 2014 5:12 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes, another Shadow classic! I couldn't help smiling all the way through at Harry's attitude - did the silly boy really think he would get one over on Snape. Nice to see Ron standing up to the mean old professor too. You captured the extremes of what the holiday can mean to people in different situations so well in Harry and Snape, and even managed to work my favourite carol in towards the end. Great story - thank you.

    Author's Response: A "Shadow classic" -- hee hee hee!!! *giggles wildly* Thank you for the compliment, rosina! I really got a kick out of writing this, and it's always a thrill to hear how much my readers like my quirky sense of humor when it's applied to Harry and Snape! As for the carol, I can remember my mother's younger sister singing "Midnight Clear" in the car as we drove along the Interstate in West Virginia when I was about eight. I kept begging her to sing it again and again because of the "angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold" -- I LOVE that image! Wow! Many thanks for reading and reviewing! :-D
Title: Christmas Cards for Snape 06 Jan 2014 2:57 pm
Reviewer: MsHuntergrl (Signed) [Report This]
    Haha, wonderful! I loved how Snape was just angry throughout the whole thing and then in the end even he could not stay mad at Christmas Eve.

    Author's Response: Hee! Maybe my own life played into the plot subconsciously-- every year, I get more and more aggravated with the gross commercialism of the Christmas season, to the point where I'm an absolute BEAR! But when Christmas Eve rolls around, suddenly the oppressive weight lifts, the spirit of the season finally breaks through, and suddenly I'm SMILING at complete strangers or even when I'm just driving along in the privacy of my car! Glad you liked the story, and thanks for the lovely review! :-)

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