Title: Last Christmas
| 08 Apr 2014 9:48 pm
Reviewer: Zang (Signed)
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The gifts were so nice :) the deer was fantastic.
Author's Response: Thanks. I was inspired my "My Little Pony" when I thought of the deer.
Title: Last Christmas
| 17 Jan 2014 4:12 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely story thank you
Author's Response: Thanks.
Author's Response: Thanks. I love to picture a curmudgeonly Snape with a sweet baby Harry.
Lovely. Harry was so sweet to share the gifts and set the precedent, even if Snape and Remus seem determined to spoil him! Good luck with your challenge story.
Author's Response: Thank you for your kind review. This is my first story. The whole gift thing seemed a little silly, but I like Harry as a generous soul.
A wizard-space stocking! Wonderful! I always used a knee sock to maximize my plunder potential; what I would have given for genuine wizard space-- hee! Very adorable Christmas story! And how sweet of Harry to want the gift giving to be equitable! Love it!
Author's Response: When I was a little girl, my brother suggested that I use my tights, but my Mom nixed that idea! ;-)
Sweet story. Oh Harry, that little scamp!
Author's Response: Thanks.
Aww, Harry's so cute when he's little! Can I have him?
Author's Response: Sure, he's all yours!
Aw, this is so adorable! I would so much love to read more about this little family and this precocious, delightful little Harry!
Author's Response: Thanks. I've started a story, but so far it just has them getting together.