This is very good so far. Update soon.
Ahhhh loving this for sure!! Please update again soon! :)
HE CALLED HIM DAD. YES. HAHA. Oh, man. I can't wait for it all to hit the fan. Very enjoyable chapter, thank you. :3
Great story so far. I'm really enjoying it.
i'm patiently waiting for the next chapter..this one was so fast paced..I'm not complaining of course..but I just want Sev to know already!
I was surprised that Albus hasn't let Snape know that Harry is his father. It would make things easier for them both. Minerva was right - he needs to stop his meddling.
I can agree with one thing that Snape said bad about Harry. When Snape said the stay here when the troll was there and Harry followed anyways even with Hermione reminding him that Snape said to stay point. Then when he said or spat "What do you think you were doing, Potter! Did I not tell you to stay where you were? Are you deaf, or do you simply refuse to show your teachers any respect," Snape spat. I agree with that statement Harry didn't listen in a live or dead situation.
Title: Part III
| 02 Feb 2014 3:47 pm
Reviewer: Kendra Dhyanna (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Por favor............. actualiza muy pronto!!!
Tu historia esta super buena
This chapter warmed my heart like it gave me some hope for Snape to come the heck's nudging me to go finish my own chapter so I can update..Keep up the good work hun!
I really like the start of this and cant wait to read more!