Title: Toast Toppings
| 12 Apr 2015 12:59 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Hah! Perhaps Severus should have breakfast in the dungeons - ALONE.
Author's Response: Haha, then he'd only have house-elves to terrify - and where's the fun in that? ;)
Title: Toast Toppings
| 20 Feb 2014 5:26 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Great fun thank you
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Cute! Haha looks like Snape needs his morning dose of sugar to get him halfway to almost decent. Thanks for writing!
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it :)
Title: Toast Toppings
| 19 Feb 2014 2:30 am
Reviewer: Zang (Signed)
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Woah, Snape's scary. Well, scarier than ever! His tantrum is terrifying.
Author's Response: Thank you! I was a bit worried I couldn't do justice to 'Sev in a snit', so I'm glad it worked out so well.
ROFL i am laughing so hard im crying. I was not expecting that. That was priceless.
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. I wasn't really expecting it either, but a little plot-bunny ran away with it *laughs*