Lol... This is interesting! But priests only cannot repeat what is told them in the confessional: it doesn't apply any other time.
Enserio me gustó, parece que lo has abandonado, pero si sigues estaré aquí.
Title: Chapter 10
| 08 Apr 2016 1:47 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Great story, can't wait for the next chapter
I love this fic do you ever plan on continuing it or has it been abandoned.
Title: Chapter 10
| 06 Aug 2015 1:48 am
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous)
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Really great! More please?!
Title: Chapter 10
| 12 Apr 2015 12:11 pm
Reviewer: Harriet (Anonymous)
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Are you going to finish this story? Please say you are, I love it and can't wait for more!
I don't like Albus and I don't like Harry's friend. The kid reminds me of Ron(who I love most days lol) as he's getting super jealous every other sentence.
Good luck with your story, I'm stopping here
Title: Chapter 10
| 14 Oct 2014 1:09 pm
Reviewer: Lea (Anonymous)
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I like it very much :)
And I hope you will update this story :)
love it!!!! more please!!!! :)
Title: Chapter 10
| 17 May 2014 2:09 am
Reviewer: HannA (Anonymous)
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This is a brilliant story, and I miss it. You gonna update soon?