Title: Chapter 2
| 14 Jun 2014 5:03 pm
Reviewer: Kendra Dhyanna (Anonymous)
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Quiero ver como será la reacción de Severus, espero que realmente sea al nivel
gran idea
Title: Chapter 2
| 14 Jun 2014 3:10 pm
Reviewer: Lea (Anonymous)
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Interesting :)
It has potenctial to be good story. You have nice way of writing :)
I wonder what Harry would have said to the portrait if Snape hadn't showed up.
Awesome start! Ha! How is Harry going to take a magical castle? What what exactly did he wish for to end up at Hogwarts? I bet Snape is going to have an eventful, and perhaps struggling day. Great start! Thanks for a new story! Please update when you can!
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Jun 2014 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Karis (Anonymous)
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Great start! More please :)
To my Fav Author ^.^ Wow, thanks for starting another story :-) Just love your style, and I'm intrigued about this new fanfic beginning, upload please! Always love how realistic is your Snape, not yet sure about Harry, seems frail, but I'm interested what's hidden behind his evident trauma. X
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Jun 2014 8:31 pm
Reviewer: Andy (Anonymous)
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Sounds really good for me I'll be waiting for more
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Jun 2014 8:27 pm
Reviewer: Kendra Dhyanna (Anonymous)
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Linda parcela,
sin duda es un comienzo interesante
If I was Harry and heard I was to be sent back I would have run for my life too. How old is your Harry?
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Jun 2014 12:39 pm
Reviewer: C (Anonymous)
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Good start, look forward to reading more