Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 10 Jul 2014 12:20 pm
Reviewer: Ashley (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ooh okies so when Dudley said harry's gonna get punished? and also when petunia says Vernon will be home soon and she wants to talk to harry? do they not hurt him haha and yeahhh of course its fine :)

    Author's Response: Hope you enjoy the latest chapters and have a lovely New Years!
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 09 Jul 2014 7:06 pm
Reviewer: Ashley (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ahh please make it Friday :)and ahh okay.. Will the dursleys hurt harry badly then :( and I take it when petunia has a word with harry its more then a word or does she leave it to vernon

    Author's Response: The Dursley's won't be the ones to harm Harry, well, obviously they neglect him, as they always have, but no over-done abuse will be a part of this story. I'll try to post it Friday just for you, I do have to work 10 hours that day though, so it may be Friday night, hope that is okay? :D
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 09 Jul 2014 6:27 pm
Reviewer: Ashley (Anonymous) [Report This]
    YAY :D how soon is very soon :p I take it brents gonna cause harry to get hurt badly? by both petunia and Vernon or just Vernon

    Author's Response: Hmm, I'll either update this Friday or Sunday, :D And how do I answer the Brent question without being too obvious...I'll just say Brent is not compleyely responsible for his actions, *wink*
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 09 Jul 2014 3:26 pm
Reviewer: Faithful (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yes! Yes! Please continue!
    Seems like Brent knows an awful lot about the wizarding world. "We heard him muttering strange words in here, like...abra cadabra. Kind of scared me, to be honest...especially after yesterday." and "... actually use animal blood. Do you think that's what he's do'in?" Coincidence? I'd be surprised!
    Draco is quite good - evil, but calculating. Very well done! Please continue!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas & talent!

    Author's Response: So glad you are liking it so far! :D Yes, Brent has some back story, the things he said about the wizarding world were only mentioned though because he knew it would rile up the Dursleys, and that's what he wants, to get them super ticked off at Harry. He is doing a good job at it too! Thanks so much for taking the time to review! :D Have a lovely week!
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 09 Jul 2014 2:43 pm
Reviewer: Ashley (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Poor harry, I wonder what petunias going to say or do let alone Vernon :( please write more :) cant wait for the next update

    Author's Response: Hey! Glad you are interested to see what happens, :) The next update will be really soon!
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 09 Jul 2014 6:30 am
Reviewer: crotia (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes, I really want to read more

    Author's Response: Awesome! I'll have another chapter posted for you soon, :D
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 08 Jul 2014 6:51 pm
Reviewer: Fiona (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hi! I love this story so far. Poor Harry, he can never catch a break. I don't know about Brent, and I hadn't thought about why he is the way he is until you pointed it out. Either he's a victim of abuse, and he's trying to feel powerful by inflicting abuse on someone else, or he's a sociopath. Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Hey there! Thanks so very much for taking a moment to respond, I greatly appreciate your wonderful feedback! Very glad you are enjoyng it so far, I'll be updating again very soon!
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 07 Jul 2014 9:43 pm
Reviewer: Lucy (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Can't wait for more. I feel this is a story I'm going to get attached to real quickly.

    Author's Response: I'm so excited that you feel that way! The next chapter shall be posted this Friday, hopefully. :) Thank you for taking time to review!
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 07 Jul 2014 2:26 pm
Reviewer: Severus Draconis Potter (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm intrigued..good start...is Draco going to stay and evil little bastard? Lemme know as I don't wanna stick around if he does.

    Author's Response: It wouldn't be much of a story if their wasn't any character development at all, now would it? ^_^
Title: Chapter 1: Draco's Expectations 07 Jul 2014 9:06 am
Reviewer: ravenhaired88 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this so far -- I can't wait to read more! I'm excited to find out Brent's backstory.

    Author's Response: Hey! Brent has a large role in the beginning of this story, and I'm so glad your're intriqed by him, :D Hope you have a wonderful week!

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