I liked the story of Harry's wand and also that Filius Flitwick told him. I like your Filius. He seems to have befriended Harry and is genuinely interested in him rather than the Boy-Who-Lived. It's nice to see him shown as a compassionate and wise wizard. I also like that Draco and Harry have reached an understanding. Lucius' interest in preventing the Malfoys from being sucked into Voldy's ranks should make a good addition to the story.
Author's Response: I always felt there was more to Filius than him being small. I think there was a gravity to him that was not portrayed.
Harry's new wand sounds interesting. I hope we learn more about its origins.
Title: Chapter 23
| 22 Jul 2014 11:13 pm
Reviewer: InuChan (Anonymous)
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Love it! I like your Snape and Lucius and Minerva. Can't wait to see Quirrel squashed. One thing I totally agree with you: I always thought Dumbledore was nuts to bring a major magical artifact he *knew* a powerful Dark Wizard was after, as well as a cerberus into school grounds. And dementors and Lockhart and Umbridge...he just seemed to have a "Ehh..what the h#ll, the kids will be fine." attitude toward student safety.
Author's Response: I think a lot of fanfiction is powered by the belief that such a thing as bringing danger into a school was nuts.
Ha. Harry has the nutritional sense of a goat and the appetite of a pre-teenage boy. I can't imagine that Severus will be able to spy if he is the guardian of Harry. Word of that will eventually get around the school and Snape wouldn't be able to keep up the Voldy follower stance.
Severus getting guardianship of Harry was a surprise. I wonder why Dumbledore did it? I like the way you are portraying Snape. He sounds like Severus. Often writers gave him using slang which always makes me cringe. You have done a nice job with his more formal speech pattern.
Author's Response: I go on an interview Alan Rickman did once for Die Hard and how he learned to speak English with a German accent. He said he applied a preciseness to his words. He used the same technique for Severus and so I have tried to adopt that. I also have a tendency to speak in that "snooty way" so it is not too difficult.
Dumbledore is delusional. To look at the injury list and say Harry is a powerful wizard because he healed himself of those wounds, shows that Albus can't see the forest for the trees. At least Harry has a fierce protector in Snape.
Author's Response: He really is!
I'm glad that Harry got over his hurt towards Snape. He really needs an adult he can depend on especially since the Dursleys haven't been any sort of family to him. The scene of him staying in Snape's quarters to do his homework (and drink in the fact that an adult liked him for himself) was a nice homey interlude.
Oh, dear. Snape tried to warn Harry that they would have to pretend to hate each other but it didn't really register for Harry. That must have been a hard class for him.
Author's Response: Thank you for all your wonderful reviews! Snape will discover he was just a bit too good at 'play-acting'.
I enjoyed the little scene where Ron gets smacked back by the sign on Snape's office. Harry really did get lost if they are still hunting for him. He must have been very upset.
Dumbledore just keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper where Harry is concerned. At least Harry has Ron and Hermione and he trusts Snape.