Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Love is a Charm
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 22 Jul 2014 2:28 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my gosh! This story is amazing! I love the title - Mini Me in training. I love that Snape is seeing all the details and potential in Harry! Squeee!!!

    It was so touching to hear Snape's thoughts, how he wanted to keep Harry around and was jealous of the things that take up Harry's time. Harry must not be used to that. I love that Snape keeps how strong that jealousy is to himself in this chapter - it keeps him in character and I think Harry needs time to adjust to being wanted.

    So cute!! I love the experiments and details in this story, all the potions. Harry should be a natural at potions if he learned at such an early age to cook and was punished if he messed up. Way to catch on and use that!

    I loved how Snape let Harry read the potions book and then let Harry pick what potion to do. Snape is already getting wrapped around Harry's finger! It's about time they both found each other, someone they could connect to.

    I wish Harry had been able to skip Defense for his extra lessons. Snape could of taught him, but I like the focus being on potions, this special subject they can bond over.

    I wonder what Dumbledore and McGonagall think of this new situation of Harry being tutored, and wanted by Snape.

    I found this story and progression, direction to be very believable. The pace is fantastic and I love your perception and use of the characters. It is fun to read from both Harry and Snape's point of view and read their thoughts.

    I love that Hermione knew so much about Snape - there's a reason why she respects him so much despite how terrible he behaved before.

    Harry seems knowledgeable about potions - I wonder how he remembers all of his lessons from before. Was he trying hard on his essays? I suppose with Hermione as a friend he would of got everything correct in his homework and studying.

    Can Harry really contribute to Snape's research at such a young age and inexperience? What special perspectives will he bring, and how will Snape see them as valuable?

    Was Snape snapped up as an Apprentice when he was younger? Who did he study under?

    I bet you will answer many of these questions in the next chapters, but I can't wait for more! Please update when you can! This has become my favorite story!

    Author's Response:

    Aww, that is such a nice comment! I really enjoyed reading your thought and thanks for all the praise! McGonagall will get something to say in the next chapter, Dumbledore will play a minor role until the end. Hermione is kind of a walking lexicon, so I thought she'd have read up on all her professors in first year. I personally believe that you have to be really accomplished to even become a Hogwarts teacher, its such a prestigous school - the exception being Defense and Divination. I also think that could be a reason why Hermione doesn't like Trelawney, she just doesn't live up to Hogwarts standards and Dumbledore just keep her around to keep her safe and in close proximity (in case of another prophecy, you never know)

    I think I said it somewhere - or will say it - in the text. Harry is a fairly good student if he wants to be, oyu can see that in Defense. He just mostly doesn't try very hard. He never had a reason before, no one cared about his grades. Now theres Severus and Harry really wants to get his approval, so he tries - that and his talent make him a good student in Potions.

    Severus more likely thinks that Harry will have some intuition that could lead Snape in the right direction with his work. Its not like he understands the principles of potions better, he just has that natural instinct, so Severus believes he might have a hunch when the potions master is stuck. Fresh blood, you know? ;) But I'm not going to go into the experiment stage with them in this story, theres too much other stuff that's going to happen.

     Who did Snape study under? Well, I know it probably wasn't Slughorn, he's way too lazy for that kind of responsibillity but I think he would have pointed Sev in the right direction.

    I am considdering writing a sequel, this story was always meant to establish a relationship between Sev and Harry - and leave it open until the end if Sev actually takes guardianship of Harry or not - I'm not going to reveal that now. The sequel would obviously have to deal with Lupin and Black and I don't know how I would fit them in there. I tried to stay pretty close to Canon in this story, but HP3 deals with the issue of Harrys parents and how he is an orphan and why so much that it would become difficult for a sequel - either way, if I put them together or if I have Sev abandon Harry. But if I write the story it would obviously be more interesting if Sev abandoned him. We'll see


Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 21 Jul 2014 4:01 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Another good chapter. Harry's random thoughts and comments make me smile, and you could feel Snape's excitement at finding a suitably talented brewing partner.

    Author's Response: Its nice to hear. I love twelve year old Harry, he is still a child but old enough to understand many things like potions or complex moral dilemmas (death eaters and voldemort)
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 21 Jul 2014 3:43 pm
Reviewer: Frofro (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This keeps getting more and more interesting. I'm glad to know the story is already complete. Can't wait for the next chapter. I wonder how Snape will react to Harry's 'family' life, especially with the stress of the newly opened Chamber added to the mix.

    Author's Response: Thanks! I hate it when I read a story, like it and then its not completed. Next chapter we will see Snape under the influence of the charm.
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 21 Jul 2014 2:34 pm
Reviewer: Eszther (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another lovely chapter, thank you!

    Author's Response: thanks for the review
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 21 Jul 2014 4:01 am
Reviewer: crotia (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks. This really is an amazing story.

    Author's Response: thanks!
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 21 Jul 2014 2:40 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    great chapter!!

    Do you mind if we (your faithful readers) points out any English errors? This one was actually probably a typo but it made me laugh. Towards the end you wrote about the "blubbering" of the potion. You proably meant bubbling but it made me envision a wildly splashing, noisy potion since blubbering is a kind of noisy, wet crying. Pretty funny and very descriptive!!

    Thanks for the story. It's great.

    Author's Response: Oh no! I don't mind at all, its a great help actually. Even if you read something that doesn't sound 'natural' but is not strictly grammatically wrong, I'd love if you gave me a hint. I corrected the blubbering potion into a bubbling one ;) And thanks for the nice review
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 20 Jul 2014 11:30 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Hermione and Malfoy must be green with jealousy at Harry's chance to be tutored by Snape. I like how well the two are getting along. Snape is already thinking of sneaking Harry away for the summer so when he gets wind of Harry's treatment by the Dursleys, there will be no holding him back. I wonder if Dumbledore will object?

    Author's Response: Snape will get a major hint about Harrys treatment next chapter and a question will be asked that sadly is not addressed often in these stories: Why didn't Dumbledore take Harry?
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 20 Jul 2014 10:46 pm
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Signed) [Report This]
    Good start... Interesting

    Author's Response: thanks, hope you keep reading
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 20 Jul 2014 10:31 pm
Reviewer: Lili (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another great chapter! Thanks SO much for updating early! :D :D :D
    I must have accidentally skipped the prologue last time... I feel stupid. I'm just now realizing that this is a charm... Silly Lili

    Author's Response: How did you manage to skip the prologue? And no prob, you people keep showering me with reviews and I'll keep updating earlier *hint hint*
Title: Chapter 2 – Mini Me in Training 20 Jul 2014 8:23 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    wow, great chapter. love the story... snape being nice to harry, of course he knows that something is not right!! aw, he can't give back his little brewer to the dursleys!!

    Author's Response: He can't give him back now, but will that change when he knows the truth? :)

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