Ooo! More, please! :-)
Author's Response: Coming soon! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 27 Aug 2014 1:52 pm
Reviewer: Ann (Anonymous)
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Great story. I love the diagram.
Author's Response: Glad you like the story! And I'm glad you like the diagram. I end up making things like that sometimes for my own reference, and I figure others might like it too. Gives a frame of reference that's pretty good I think -- too often, I read other's fics and get confused about dimensions/set-up when it's not very explicitly laid out in the story.
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 26 Aug 2014 10:00 pm
Reviewer: Lili (Anonymous)
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Author's Response: Thank you! So glad you like it! Thanks for reviewing, and for reading!
Wow....well done with Snape
Author's Response: Thank you! *blushes* I'm so glad you thought my portrayal of him was good. I always worry that I change the characters too much, or that they seem unrealistic... So seriously. This just made me so happy.
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 26 Aug 2014 8:58 pm
Reviewer: alba (Anonymous)
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great update, looking forward to the next chapter
Author's Response: thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you like it! next chapter will be up fairly soon.
Snape did a good job gaining Harry's trust. Of course, I'm sure Harry will be more than glad to leave. Albus will probably be furious. Will the Dursleys pay for their treatment of Harry? Looking forward to finding out. I did wonder why the owls didn't deliver the letter directly to Harry at the doghouse. The Dursleys wouldn't have seen it. I suppose they knew Harry needed help so they didn't deliver the letters. One comment - it never feels right to me when Snape uses the term OK. It just doesn't seem formal enough for Severus.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Yes, most of what you mention you'll just have to find out about. As for the owls, Harry still lives at the Dursley's house/on their property. I suppose I see your point though, it is an external structure. But I think it makes more sense that way, or at the very least, it works better for my story. :-P And I guess I see your point about Snape saying ok as well, hadn't thought too much about that, it just seemed such a natural thing to say to reassure someone. I wonder if he ever uses it in the books? Probably not. Anyways, thanks for reviewing, next chapter will be up fairly soon!
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 26 Aug 2014 8:07 pm
Reviewer: anna (Anonymous)
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Yes an update:D!! Thank you for beeing so quick! It's fantastic! I am glad Harry isn't totally broken after those two years. Looking forward to more!
Author's Response: So glad you like it! Yes, I decided to make it only two years to make it realistic for Harry to have some definite issues, but not be completely beyond hope, and not completely broken. The story would just be too depressing. Thanks for reading and reviewing! Next chapter will be up fairly soon.
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 26 Aug 2014 7:20 pm
Reviewer: pippanz (Anonymous)
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What a wonderful story..I await the next chapter eagerly.
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! I am so glad to hear that you like it. Next chapter will be up fairly soon.
Title: Chapter 2: The Rescuer
| 26 Aug 2014 4:35 pm
Reviewer: Nicole (Anonymous)
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I liked the story. Please update soon. :)
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar
| 26 Aug 2014 12:15 pm
Reviewer: hisluv (Anonymous)
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Love where you're going with this and looking forward to reading more x
Author's Response: I'm so glad you like it! Update will probably be up fairly soon, I'm just tweaking a few things. I'm wary of saying later today in case it doesn't happen... but it will probably be later today. Just don't shoot me if it takes longer than that. :)