Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Rescued
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 26 Aug 2014 11:57 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Nice start, keep posting!

    Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing and glad you like it! Keep reading and reviewing!
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 26 Aug 2014 2:14 am
Reviewer: JAWorley (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry! Update please. Looking forward to seeing Harry interacting with Snape.

    Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! And never fear, we'll get to Harry and Snape interactions soon!
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 11:18 pm
Reviewer: Emily (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another great beginning to what I feel will be a great story. I think what I love most about the Harry you write is that you keep his strength of character. You don't write him in the extremes I often read in these types of stories...utterly broken or ridiculously cold. There is an underlining stoicism and determination in him that I think is much more authentic. That's not to say that he is unaffected, but that there is real genuineness to the character you write. I hope that this will have a well paced development into exploring Harry and his coping/survival/degeneration before introducing Snape and not just jump in feet first like most other Snape rescues Harry stories do.

    Also, I love that your chapters are so long and actually have substance and depth to them. It makes updates so delightful. I hope you will not really make us wait a whole week to update the next chapter, especially, if as you say, most of the story is written. I'm really excited to see where you go with this.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much for the long, detailed review! I loved hearing what you think, and it was very encouraging to hear that you like my writing. About the updates/chapters, I'm glad to hear you like them long! I've thought about shortening them so they come out faster but it's good to hear someone likes it this way! 

    As for updating sooner than a week, I think the term 'editing and such' was probably misleading. It's a bit more than editing, it's making those last decisions about whether certain character traits came out properly, I'm happy with that angle of the plot, etc. That being said, I will most likely update sooner than a week, I just did not want to say a couple days and have it turn into a week and get everyone upset.   

    As for going deeper into Harry's misfortunes, I considered going more in depth before Snape comes into the picture, but I think he's going to appear on the sooner side. I think it works better for the goals of the story. However, I am seriously considering doing a one- or two-shot of that, so I will keep your opinion in mind for that! And hopefully you don't find the pace too fast, this will likely be about 8 chapters. So I hope I don't disappoint!

Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 10:57 pm
Reviewer: djaddict (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The thought of him being treated like that, an animal, for two years is horrifying

    Author's Response: thanks for reading and reviewing! yes, it is pretty terrible.
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 8:04 pm
Reviewer: ecl1ps3 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    please update this!!!
    I want to know whats happening next!!

    Author's Response: Haha, yay!! I'm glad you like it! Update will probably be in about a week, but possibly less. I have quite a lot written, so it's mainly editing and such. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, I really appreciate hearing what people think!
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 8:03 pm
Reviewer: Lili (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh gosh this is great!!
    I can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: I'm so glad you like it, thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Next update will be in about a week, I expect.
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 7:53 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting start. I enjoyed Harry's thought in the beginning where he wished he could sleep upstairs. Then if a monster came, it would probably eat Dudley first. At least Harry has a warm shelter, even though it's a dog house. If he has two years before he is rescued though, things aren't going to be good. Just as a side note, the story 'Whelp' starts out with Harry being kept in the back yard on a collar like a dog.

    Author's Response: thanks, I'm very glad you like it. and I'm glad you found a little humor in it :) About 'Whelp,' I have read that, but it was quite a while ago, so I don't remember it too much. This idea blossomed originally from the idea of a 'feral harry' -- I've seen it done a few times, but rarely have the stories been finished, and they have not always been done very well. I wanted to focus on what a recovery from really terrible neglect would really look like, basically. So hopefully it's not too similar to a different story (other than generally the many Abusive Dursley stories out there), it wasn't meant to be, and wasn't even really inspired by a different one. But anyways, sorry for the long tangent. Thank you very much for reading and reviewing! I very much appreciate that you so often review -- it's so encouraging to get feedback!
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 6:16 pm
Reviewer: tess4aria (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome beginning! Can't wait for more.

    Author's Response: so glad to hear you like it! thanks for reading, and reviewing, I really appreciate it! I'll probably be updating in about a week or less, I've written quite a bit so it's mainly editing and such.
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 6:13 pm
Reviewer: anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh no!! Please more, this is heartbreaking. . .you are a great author!

    Author's Response: thank you so much for reading and reviewing, I'm so glad to hear you like it, and like my writing! I'll update in probably about a week, possibly sooner, so fairly soon. I have quite a bit written already so it's more editing and such.
Title: Chapter 1: The Collar 25 Aug 2014 5:07 pm
Reviewer: kazetoame (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Why do I get the feeling this scenario is going to get way worse before it gets any improvement? I shall look for the next chapter as my interest is piqued.

    On another note, don't you ever wonder why in canon that no one noticed the huge difference between Harry and Dudley?

    Author's Response: I'm so glad I piqued your interest! And yeah, Harry and Dudle are definitely very different, and treated very differently.

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