Title: Chapter 8
| 24 Sep 2014 11:10 am
Reviewer: hp fan (Anonymous)
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U r wonderful and i wamt more snape and harry........no marty!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response: Thanks for your comment, hope you love the next chapter as well. OK, OK, no Marty.
Title: Chapter 8
| 24 Sep 2014 3:46 am
Reviewer: snarry fan (Anonymous)
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It was great!!!!!!!! So cuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bt i won't like marty now.....just snape and harry spend more time together like now
Author's Response: Thanks for your comment, hope you love the next chapter as well. Haha, I'll leave Marty out!
Title: Chapter 8
| 23 Sep 2014 11:33 pm
Reviewer: Jen Hill (Anonymous)
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I usually don't read WIPs (as in never) but your Love is a charm story was so good, I had to keep reading! Thank you for the update! I just want to cuddle with Snape, hes so in character but yet still so squishy! Major Kudos!!!!!!
Author's Response: I don't like WIP as well, its completely stupid when someone abandons their story. The more I am pleased about you keeping to read on this story. There is only one chapter to go
love this!
Author's Response: Thanks for your comment, hope you love the next chapter as well
Title: Chapter 7
| 22 Sep 2014 5:40 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you a mixed emotion chapter very well written
Author's Response: Thanks a lot, hope you'll enjoy the next one too
Title: Chapter 7
| 22 Sep 2014 4:05 pm
Reviewer: Lea (Anonymous)
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Great chapter - very sad because of Tobias's death, but very warm on the other hand.
Author's Response: Thanks a lot, hope you'll enjoy the next one too
Title: Chapter 3
| 21 Sep 2014 4:47 pm
Reviewer: Arwen_Evenstar (Anonymous)
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Hi! I'm so excited about this sequel! This is one of the best fics I've read in a long time. I understand that English is a second language to you, and it is very good. :) just one little idea, when you said that Tobias was catholic, you said he wasn't religious but believed in God and scripture. This could confuse some people, as being religious is believing some sort of faith. The word you might be looking for in that particular sentence is probably devout. :) To be devout is to have a deep Commitment, like going to church multiple times a week and spending hours in prayer a day etc. Just an idea :D you are doing great! I'm loving this series.
Author's Response: Hey, thanks a lot. I will incorporate your suggestion when I go over both stories to correct them.
Title: Chapter 7
| 20 Sep 2014 10:17 pm
Reviewer: snarry fan (Anonymous)
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Its great pls update...... .........u r great add injured harry and overly protective snape as well it would b wonderful
Author's Response: Thanks a lot, hope you'll enjoy the next one too
Title: Chapter 7
| 20 Sep 2014 4:44 am
Reviewer: snarry fan (Anonymous)
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U r doing great keep updating
Author's Response: Thanks a lot, hope you'll enjoy the next one too
Death does bring conflicting emotions so that seemed realistic to me. Even when you know that it is coming, it still hits hard. It was sad that it happened close to Christmas though since that memory will be connected to the holiday. On another note, you should check the first paragraph. It looks like something is missing from the last couple of sentences there.
Author's Response: I corrected the part in the first paragraph, thanks for pointing it out. And thank you for the lovely review