Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves 27 Oct 2014 12:41 pm
Reviewer: Ann Jinn (Signed) [Report This]
    That story was hilarious. Alan Rickman played a wonderful sherriff. I wondered how you were going to throw in the best line, and it worked well.

    Author's Response: Many thanks! I didn't used to have a lot of confidence about my ability to write "humor", but I think I've made progress, if your review is anything to go by! But I still have to wonder what you think the "best line" is! Out of 17, that is! Thanks for the great review! Much appreciated! :-)
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves 27 Oct 2014 12:38 pm
Reviewer: Con Moto (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahh shadow you have surpassed yourself! That was amazing! What a brilliant Halloween strory :D as always it was imaginative and funny and the dialogue was spot on! I admit I haven't seen Prince of Thieves so I didn't get the quotes... Except for "Call off Christmas" which is probably the only clip of the movie I've see haha! I loved the plot, where on earth do you come up with such things haha :D thanks for a brilliant read shadow, I'm so glad to be reading your stories again!

    Author's Response: Hi, Con! Actually, my mind garbled the title "Blood of Thieves" first, and it took me 3-4 days to work up a plot to go with the title! I put in my Robin Hood dvd & paused it whenever I wanted to jot down quotable quotes (some LESS memorable than others!); knew I couldn't use all of them, but it gave me food for thought. Sometimes, the quotes played beautifully into HP (I'd completely forgotten the ferret quote!) -- like "merciful beheadings", which worked with Kreature, and other times, thhe action arose FROM the quote, like: "Now sew! And keep the stitches small!" (I'd originally planned to have Snape heal him!) You really should get "Prince of Thieves" -- it's highly entertaining! I have to say, when the Muse struck, she was RED HOT! I had terrific fun writing this! Thanks for your review! I feel like I'm back in the world now! :-D

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