Totally wonderful. A perfect juxtaposition of Snape and the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Author's Response: Thank you for saying so!!! I couldn't believe how many readers either hadn't seen RH:PoT, or else hadn't realized Alan Rickman played the Sheriff! That was the first role I ever saw him in, and his drawling "Locksley..." was one of those never-to-be-forgotten moments I've ever experienced on the big screen! An unforgettable character, an outstanding actor, and the rest is history! Severus Snape is, of COURSE, my fave character, and it seemed inevitable to somehow link those two... But how? And when my mind ran amok one day and garbled together the two movie titles, all at once I KNEW!!! So glad you enjoyed this one! (And now I've got an urge to rewatch RH... 😆) Once again, many thanks for reading and reviewing!
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 05 Jan 2023 6:31 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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Very imaginative story! I liked the dream sequence embedded in the impossible detention. The Bloodmoon is such a compelling ingredient. Thanks for the creative tale.
Author's Response: This was one of my "working from a title" experiences! My mind effortlessly produced a terrific title, and I had to work hard to come up with a plot upon which to build the story. Thankfully, once I got started, I was on a total roll, and it worked out in the end. The easy out that I did NOT want to take was the "it was only a dream" cop-out... Been SOOOO disappointed as a reader with that crap, both as a child and an adult. So, yes, Harry had a wild dream, but the Bloodmoon was REAL! Many thanks for reading and reviewing! 😁
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 09 Nov 2014 4:48 pm
Reviewer: atiaahmed (Signed)
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Haha! That was funny and crazy. I liked the dream sequence!
Author's Response: Thanks! Some of my own dreams are equally bizarre, so I threw caution to the winds and flew with the zany plot! Anything can happen in a dream, and boy, did it ever!!! I had to frame the dream with a more serious detention, but I think the combination worked quite well. Many thanks for reading and reviewing! :-)
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 02 Nov 2014 11:24 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely story thank you so much particularly loved the ending!
Author's Response: I'd wanted to try something different this year, and this is what happens when my imagination shifts into overdrive! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Amusing, very original, great job!
Author's Response: Thank you so much! The Muse may have inspired me, but serious thought still went into this story, and I appreciate your taking the time to let me know you really liked it! Happy Halloween!!! :-D
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 30 Oct 2014 12:11 am
Reviewer: Whitetail (Signed)
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Call off Christmas ... dear me I do love that line. I was wondering where this was going, but I am glad I stuck with it. Wow, points for creativity, Shadow. Although, I do wonder how Harry would imagine that Snape knew Petunia. I giggled so hard at the idea of the invisibility cloak being a flying carpet, though!
Author's Response: Ha! Dreams are often a mixture of the improbable and the absurd, and they often suspend normal logic, even when the dreamer knows he's dreaming. I tried to ground Harry's dream in canon through October of Book 6, and the one shaky exception is the Petunia/Snape connection, as I knew some observant reader would spot! However-- the subconscious mind makes connections that thhe conscious mind can miss (why we often choose to "sleep" on a matter before making a decision), and Harry's mind made the connection. If someone told Petunia about Azkaban, he'd have to be of Lily's acquaintance, too, and the two "awful" males that Harry knows who knew Lily as a child were Pettigrew and Snape. Snape was viewed as "unpleasant" even then (by the Marauders); Peter was their friend. Thus, Harry constructed an accurate connection, even without certain knowledge-- his mind had just enough to work with! Thanks for reading and for the review! Now, on to Christmas!
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 29 Oct 2014 12:54 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed)
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What, no apology? Snape really is a bastard.
Author's Response: Apologize? Snape?? To a Potter??? Ha! Seriously, I think Snape is still in shock on several levels, but at least he did admit his error. That's about all one could expect from him. Thanks for taking the time to review.
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 28 Oct 2014 4:46 am
Reviewer: rosina (Signed)
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That was fun. Mad as a box of frogs, but great fun! Hmm - think its time I dug out Robin Hood to watch again...
Author's Response: Mad as a box of frogs! Ha! I've never heard that expression before, but it's graphic! After the last couple of Halloween stories, I decided to go lighter this year -- just have some fun with it this time around! Glad you liked it, and yes -- definitely get RH:PoT out and ENJOY it all over again! Thanks for the review! :-D
Title: Harry Potter and the Blood of Thieves
| 27 Oct 2014 4:12 pm
Reviewer: Toria (Signed)
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I love it! This made me smile so much. I haven't watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves in such a long time but it's a great film. I was hoping that the spoon line would be in there somewhere :) xxx
Author's Response: Thank you so much! The really hard part of writing this story was having to leave out so many of my favorite lines, since forcing them in wouldn't work with my context! It was agony! But at least I got one spoon line in! Thanks for reading and taking the time to review! :-)
This made for a very entertaining read! It made me giggle all the way through. Poor Harry.
Nicely done!
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! This story was kind of like my own little prompt-fest, working with all of the quotes from RH:PoT! I had tremendous fun putting them into a new context for HP! I loved hearing it made you giggle, coz that was my GOAL! Thanks for the review! :-)