Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Spiral of Trust
Title: Chapter 35 Let down 16 Jul 2015 10:08 pm
Reviewer: BlueWater5 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Loved how what seemed the right thing for Snape and Steadfast to do at the time turned out not to be for the best.

    Author's Response: Yes, isn't that so interesting and frustrating at the same time! But that is how it turns out sometimes. It is difficult to keep one's wits about oneself in the middle of an emregency.
Title: Chapter 35 Let down 16 Jul 2015 11:55 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    Whew! I totally overlooked the legal aspects of Ginny's Obliviation. What a potential horrendous error. I guess this would be a good reason to prevent Oblivations against the wishes of the patient: when there is a current legal case in progress and the patient is a witness. The Judge was also correct: Snape had too many conflicts of interest and Steadfast totally botched the investigation.

    I enjoyed the questioning of Harry in that many issues were brought up. The Priori Incantatem was much more fleshed out than in canon. I didn't enjoy the questioning while Harry was so debilitated. That was just cruel and callous. LOL, very gov't-like.

    People and societies are flawed and it can be very interesting to read with the right author. I don't need to add that you are one of those authors.

    Great chapter as always.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, that was really nicely put of you, Teriwright! 

    There are several major objections abainst the Obliviate spell, as I'm trying to illustrate in this story. I always thought that it was rather carelessly used in the original novel...

    I’m having some issues with the coming chapter, so it will be a bit longer than usual before I update... but I will be back :-)

Title: Chapter 34 Abandoned 13 Jul 2015 2:22 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very clever interaction not mushy but no shouting either! I love how Severus is becoming quite protective of Harry. Can't wait to see what happens next!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the reviews of the last three chapters, I appreciate your understanding of the emotional issues! About the interaction between Snape and Harry in chapter 34, I wanted to show that there are more than one way to comfort a person… (stories instead of hugs, diversion instead of soothing).

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 13 Jul 2015 1:37 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Fantastic! You handled the emotions in this chapter really well and I loved the conversations between Harry and Severus so sad. Thank you so much
Title: Chapter 32 The nauseating intentionality of an Avada Kedavra 13 Jul 2015 1:10 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    So glad you had a good holiday, sorry I missed this chapter before, I was away! Great chapter and I love Harry's reaction to the Aurors
Title: Chapter 23 Which father? 12 Jul 2015 2:19 pm
Reviewer: alchemist (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You realize that the Harry Potter books were explicit on the fact that James Potter's parents were Charlus Potter and Dorea Black, don't you? Research is your friend.

    Author's Response: I had no idea. In which book does it say - is it DH? Too bad, but I might go back to that part of "my" story and see if I can change the names and still fit them into the story...
Title: Chapter 34 Abandoned 09 Jul 2015 1:34 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    I am enjoying Snape and Harry's improving relationship. I wonder if Snape will keep up his medical work and the headmaster position? That seems like a lot to juggle. Harry sounds more like healing would be a better fit for him than auror. If he has been working that hard to make up classes he needs for a medical career, he must be serious about it. Too bad that he has to go to France in his condition.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks. As you know, Snape’s and Harry’s relationship has been wavering back and fro in this story, but I agree that overall there is an improvement. And in this chapter, I wanted to show that there are more than one way to comfort a person… (stories instead of hugs, diversion instead of direct soothing). 

Title: Chapter 34 Abandoned 09 Jul 2015 9:56 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    Now would be a good time for harry to hire a solicitor. He's not capable of defending himself at this point and it seems his gov't is only too willing to hang him out to dry.

    I can't believe I missed the clue from chapter 9! Good on you! Here I have been thinking about careers that don't include Healing or Auror's because Harry didn't have the Arithmancy.

    You've done a brilliant job in creating a society where people are held back at the whims of a few people with power, instead of a society that supports and encourages everyone to excel, no matter if they accomplish things in a non-traditional way or have the wrong bloodline.

    The example with Vector was very illuminating. And frustrating. What does it matter if she taught harry or if he self-studied? It costs nothing and inconveniences no one to allow Harry to take a test. He'll pass or fail on his own merits. Unless, she's put out that she can't claim the prestige of teaching The Savior? How many other people have had their dreams shattered because they didn't take the right class when they were 13 yo?

    The thing with Ginny: I'm sort of numb at this point. I hope this spells the end of their romantic relationship, even though it would hurt Harry in the short term. Long term I think it would be the best decision for all involved.

    You certainly keep your readers engaged and on the edge of their seats :-)

    Author's Response:

    It sounds rather depressive and disturbing when you put it like that - ”creating a society where people are held back at the whims of a few people with power”  - I had not thought of it that way, but it is interesting to consider it now that you point it out. I generally see myself as an optimistic and trusting person who find my way in societey, but I guess that I have encountered enough of those people in life (and have we not all done that?) who behave capriciously for reasons of their own. I think I merely want to point out that those people exist and particularly for young people who have not yet learnt to argue against authorities and stand up for their rights, the encounters with persons like that (Healer Schufflert, Professor Vector) might actually have great impact on their lives. 

    More about the legal aspects of Harry’s actions in Paris in the next chapter.

    More about Harry’s and Ginny’s relationship in a few chapters….

Title: Chapter 34 Abandoned 09 Jul 2015 9:13 am
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Love it!! Trully a wonderful chapter! Snape and Harry were great, you described everything perfectly! Can't wait for m

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for your spontaneous reviews - they go staight to the heart!

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 07 Jul 2015 8:04 pm
Reviewer: Pianoparamour (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm not going to sugar coat it. Ginny as characterized in this story is far from my favorite person. She is constantly concerned about what she wants to do, and Harry gives in to nearly every one of her demands, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him, or how unreasonable she is. And yet, in this chapter, she gets even worse, and Harry is convinced to stay with a bull-headed, selfish woman who refuses to temporarily sacrifice even a few of her trivial amusements for the psychological good of the man she is supposed to love. I did actually hope that Harry would have let her drift away from him or that they would have broken up. She isn't good for him.

    That being said, this story is well done and I enjoy your updates.

    Author's Response:

    I’m aware that Ginny is not very popular with you readers right now and I’m afraid that the chapter I am posting now is only going to boost that irritation. She’s immature and selfish, yes, but she is young and has suffered a lot of traumas (a war and a terrorist attack) and the way she acts now may not be characteristic of her personality when she grows up a bit, so I think that you should not dismiss her entirely. That said, she is not a favourite character of mine either - I am more fond of Hermione, actually, even if I have not given her a very prominent part in this story yet. 

    I must also confess that I use Ginny’s character in these chapters to stress how lonely Harry actually is. He has no family of his own whatsoever and that manifests in particular when the Weasleys need to take care of one of ”their own” during a crisis like this one. Hopefully you’ll see in the next chapter what I mean. Thank you for reviewing!

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