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Reviews For Spiral of Trust
Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 05 Jul 2015 4:50 pm
Reviewer: Buchling (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Non-Healer Schufflert is driving me mad. Again she demonstrated her never ending criminal streak also known as incompetency. Almost forcing the Oblivation on Ginny while she still was in the middle of a panic attack ... Of course Ginny is grasping for straws. So far no one has offered her a way to deal with her trauma that is suitable for her. Obviously sessions with Non-Healer Schufflert are not the right thing for her, but there are actually many different ways to treat or to deal with trauma and she was offered or even told about none. As for the Oblivation, common sense tells us it should only be allowed as a last resort after everything else failed or if the patient is in grave danger to hurt herself severely. Having said that, Ginny has a very crude understanding of what strength means. Fighting your way back into wholesomeness and accepting help while doing so is true strength.
    On Harrys part I think he needs to learn to assert himself in his relation with Ginny and fast.
    All in all another excellent chapter. You really manage to make the story intense with many deep topics while still keeping it light enough to make it fun to read.
    PS. I read your answer to another review where you said it is easier for you to write in English even though it isn’t your mother tongue. I completely understand that and sometimes feel the same way. It’s weird, isn’t it? May I take a guess at your native language; you don’t need to confirm or deny if that runs under “private”. Is it German or a Germanic language?

    Author's Response:

    Thank you, that was a very kind assessment of my story.


    There is nothing as frustrating, nor as scary as incompetence, is there? Especially if the person is unaware of his or her incompetence, like Healer Schufflert seems to be (I’m sorry, but she did graduate from Magical Med school and has not yet lost her license, so she still is a healer…). Unless the incompetence shows itself in an area where you possess enough knowledge to debunk it, you might be left at the mercy of incompetent persons without even realising it… 


    My mother tongue is not German, but a North Germanic language, so you were right in a way - I’m curious as to what led you to determine that? Phrasing and word choices, perhaps :-) 

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 05 Jul 2015 12:16 am
Reviewer: alexander (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was probably the best chapter yet! Wow! Perfect!

    Author's Response: Great! Thank you! 
Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 04 Jul 2015 5:59 pm
Reviewer: RLara (Signed) [Report This]
    Well, I guess Ginny is OK but I can't believe Harry can just let this go and not resent her decision.

    It's ironic that she needs to feel strong but thinks herself too weak to heal in her own. It's kinda stupid and maddening. Made me anxious and irritated.

    Oh. For a moment there I thought Snape was going to tell him why he obliviated those students. Though I guess he started to.

    You bring a lot of real life aspects to the story, which makes it more palpable and interesting. I think it ends up creating too much angst over minor plot points at times, though.

    It was an interesting chapter anyway. I hope you write more soon. Thank you! =]

    Author's Response:

    ”I think it ends up creating too much angst over minor plot points at times, though.”


    I believe that you have put your finger on a weakness of mine… There is no way of getting away from you observant readers :-) But I still appreciate your response as it teaches me what I should work on to get better.


    I am in fact an inexperienced author and I easily get critical and self-conscious when writing. For instance, it is easier for me to write in english, although it is a foreign language, because in my own language I would be so conscious of my shortcomings, so aware of my imperfections that I would simply stop writing. In english, I just don’t realise my mistakes to the same extent :-) 

    In order to overcome that to one’s creativity so devastating self-consciousness, I also had to adopt this style of writing that I think you have observed and that disturbs you a little, and that is that I need to exaggerate a bit, bordering on the melodramatic at times - I’m aware of that. I think that I am afraid of sounding pathetic on the one hand and of being dull and boring on the other hand and my style of writing is an attempt to get away from those fears. Maybe when I have gained more self-confidence as a writer, I might be able to let go of that crutch and simply write with that convincing, solid seriousness that I admire in some authors.

    The important thing when you want to become a writer is not to quit, and to learn how to construct a story and to finish it! I assure you that to complete a story is an accomplishment in itself. And my hope is that I at least can offer a reasonably well constructed story, including some reflexions on ethical issues of magical and real life that I find interesting and also, now and then, can give you at least short glimpses of truely emotional scenes. 

    So, please don’t let that exaggerated angst irritate you too much, tell yourself that it is only the struggle of a debutante writer :-)

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 02 Jul 2015 1:14 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    I kind of like the idea that Snape is known as Healer Snape in the emergency room. It seems a far cry from Death Eater. Ginny hasn't dealt well with her emotion so far so her decision to be obliviated isn't a big surprise. I'm curious to find out if there will be any side effects.

    Author's Response:

    I like ”Healer Snape” as well :-)

    For the side effects, you know me by now - be patient, they will be addressed, at least to some extent, in a few chapters from now…

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 02 Jul 2015 7:29 am
Reviewer: BlueWater5 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Beautiful tie-in of so many themes.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you! It does go back to the discussion about Obliviating in chapter 9 On the Ethics of Magic - Obliviating, and we also get to know a little bit more about Snape and Lily, and about Harry and Ginny.

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 02 Jul 2015 5:33 am
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome!!! Love it! Aside from this decision though I doubt it's good for them if Harry always gives in as Hermione says... Please update soon :)

    Author's Response:

    I agree with you that it’s not healthy for the relationship when one party gives in and lets the other person have what they wish all the time. Snape really had to work hard to persuade Harry, though, drawing the parallell between Ginny and Lily. That kind of argumentation from Snape was very hard for Harry to resist.

Title: Chapter 33 Angst, Oblivion and Regrets 02 Jul 2015 2:54 am
Reviewer: teriwright (Signed) [Report This]
    I am so incredibly disappointed in Ginny. Yes, I totally understand Her Body, Her Choice and agree with it as well as the notion of supporting a friend through a decision that you don't agree with. That's what friends do. But there are consequences to every decision and relationships don't always remain the same afterwards.

    Is this how Ginny going to deal with her problems for the rest of her life? "Oh, I don't like feeling grief or anxiety and I have a game in two weeks, let's just obliviate it away". It's like a crutch. She'll be a perpetual child the rest of her life since she refuses to face problems head on like an adult. I noticed throughout the story that she was in denial and refused to face her emotions stemming from the war and didn't have much sympathy towards others who were dealing with their problems head on. She won't be able to understand, sympathize or help Harry or anyone else in her life that's suffering. Her advice will be to just erase the memory or live in denial. I don't see her as a compassionate person.

    The Healer was also bordering on unethical behavior in pushing a vulnerable patient that obviously can't make rational decision at the current time. I would think there would be at least a 24 hr waiting period before performing such a spell.

    I don't see this relationship between harry and Ginny lasting long term, especially after her disparaging comments towards Harry's struggles during the summer. Completely ignoring the fact that he overcame them. But, I know I'm projecting my own attitude towards this relationship so take my comments with a grain of salt. I just don't like the girl. I don't see what Harry sees in her, nor what she brings to this relationship besides demanding everything her way like a child. What am I missing in this character?

    A great chapter with some thought provoking issues, both in terms of the Obliviate discussion and romantic relationships. Very well done.

    Author's Response:

    I sympathise with your dislike of Ginny, because she really lets Harry down here, taking the easy way out. This is how I see her character: on the one hand she is a spoilt child. Being the only, longed-for daughter of Molly Weasley she is bound to have been coddled and humoured to a great extent. On the other hand, having six older brothers, she has certainly developed a tough, tomboy side, learning - too well perhaps - to put her feelings aside not to become a sissy in her brothers’ eyes and risk being left out from their play. Not to provoke her brothers’ contempt by showing weakness might have been very important to the little sister. 

    I believe that Ginny might be quite funny to be around, being spontaneous, straight-forward and lively. She is also beautiful, with that naturalness that would be rather sexy. Harry, once he has formed a strong bond with someone is not likely to let go or forget about her - I guess he really loves her.

    Naturally this decision of hers to allow herself to be Obliviated is disastrous and in the long term, even with the aid of magic, it should be impossible to postpone the necessity to deal with the traumas of life…

Title: Chapter 32 The nauseating intentionality of an Avada Kedavra 27 Jun 2015 7:49 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Too bad Ginny already left for St. Mungo's - she would have dragged Harry in for medical help or let Snape do something, at least.
Title: Chapter 31 Dead wizards do not Apparate 27 Jun 2015 4:58 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry and Ginny suddenly appearing was a surprise. Good thing Snape was able to do some emergency first aid. Severus seems like someone who would use anger as a way to deal with fear so his rant at Harry was something I would expect from him. He may be furious but will do his best to help Harry and Ginny. I did like Ginny's thanks to him as well as cleaning the blood off him and Harry.
Title: Chapter 32 The nauseating intentionality of an Avada Kedavra 27 Jun 2015 3:40 pm
Reviewer: BlueWater5 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Snape's confession was interesting. Loved the Severus-Harry interaction. Hopefully Harry will soon recognize that Severus wants only to help him.

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